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"What's wrong, Yeji?" I ask while walking in front of her.

"Why are you here? And don't tell me because you were worried!" She snaps.

"Did I do something wrong?" I try to hide the panic in my voice.

She doesn't answer and continues to cry.

I sit down next to her and I wrap my arm around her then she rests her head on my shoulder while she covers her face with her hands.

I feel relief that she's not actually mad at me because if she was then she wouldn't let me hold her like this.

"Why do you do this?" She finally speaks.

"I don't know what you mean" I answer truthfully.

"I feel so stupid for crying right now and I don't even know why I am crying. I just know that I want to cry and I hate you for caring so damn much about me and making me feel this way!" She pulls away from me and she turns her body to face me.

"Yeji" I say while trying to figure out what's happening right now.

"You went out on a date with HER?" She frowns. I notice that she emphasized the word 'her' but I try not to focus on it.

"How could you?" She asks and something clicks in my head.

Is she against same sex couples? But she can't be. Her best friend is dating another woman.

"Yeji, you're gonna have to explain what's happening because I'm really lost" I say to her.

"Why are you so nice to me? Why do you treat me the way you do? Why do you make me feel so loved and wanted?" She asks instead of explaining.

I want to tell her the truth but I'm scared it will make things awkward between us. I don't want to ruin how we are now.

"Because you're family now. You're carrying my brother's kid" I say a safe answer but she just cries more.

"Is that it? Nothing more?" She sounds desperate.

A hopeful voice in my head is saying maybe she may feel something for me too but I don't want to assume and embarrass myself. I keep my mouth shut instead of asking if she possibly has feelings me.

"I tried so hard to make you fall for me. I didn't know your sexuality but I thought maybe you'd still fall for me even if you were into guys. Now, I've come to find out that you're into women and you went on a date with someone else. Was I the only one thinking we had a connection?"

Her confession leaves me speechless. I want to tell her how I feel too but my mouth won't open.

"Is it because of your brother? Is it because I'm carrying his child so you can't see me as something more than just a friend?" She adds.

"Y—you have feelings for me?" The only words that comes out.

"Yes, I thought it was obvious" She shows frustration.

"I'm so stupid for thinking that you could have romantic feelings for me. I guess you're just that kind to take care of me the way you do" she stands and is about to walk away but I grab her hand to stop her.

I stand too while I look down to process everything that's going on. I don't know what to say or what to do in this situation. She's made it clear that she has feelings for me but I'm still afraid to do anything about it.

My brother's face crosses my mind. She may not like him like that but I'm not sure how or what his feelings for her are. Unfortunately, our situation is a little complicated. Does it make any difference if Beomgyu has feelings for her? Would I really let Yeji go just so I don't ruin my relationship with my brother?

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