Chapter 5

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There I laid on top of him. On top of Jaxon. On top of possibly someone's boyfriend or someone's boy toy. My body flat against his with my head on his chest so close I could hear his heartbeat. I would have enjoyed the moment if my mind was not so fogged by my continuously racing thoughts.

Quickly I sprang to my feet and straightened my clothes. I felt a tingling sensation in my cheeks and soon after it rushed to my ears. My heart pounded against my chest as my mind instantly replayed the moment.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized clearing my throat nervously.

I chuckled a little to cover up the humiliation I just encountered. I mean it's just an accidental fall, right? It happens. But accidentally falling over on your crush?! Yes, I said crush. Of course it's embarrassing. Too nervous to look at Jaxon I stared out at sea.

I'm not that heavy but unexpectedly toppling over on him could have resulted in him getting an injury. On that note who is even operating this thing? I hope they have good insurance.

Jaxon got up and nodded before sitting down. He was shirtless only wearing a black sweat shorts. My eyes struggled to look away from his seemingly perfectly built physique.

What a great way to set a lasting impression.

Maybe agreeing to tag along wasn't such a good idea. I just humiliated myself falling all over Jaxon and he doesn't even look too pleased. Or does he naturally have a scowl on his face? Since I've met him I haven't seen him smile once.

Not once.

Mysterious guy, I guess.

Still my stomach erupts everytime I look at him. I wish he'd actually talk to me but I probably just ruined my chances of having a normal conversation because of being so darn light on my feet.

The fresh, salty smell of the ocean flew up my nostrils and the beautiful yellow sunshine illuminated the boat. My hair danced in the cool sea breeze as I sat on the other side of the boat peering out at the crystal waters.


Despite my efforts of trying to distract myself from what had just happened, I couldn't. I felt bad. The slight thought of Jaxon thinking that I may have done it on purpose was eating at me. After minutes had passed I finally garnered enough courage to mention it.

"I hope you're not upset about what just happened," I said looking at him.

His face looked more relaxed and refreshed than before. His eyes squinted a little keeping the sun out as he looked over at me.

"I have no reason to be upset. It wasn't your fault," he replied.

"Yeah, I know but I still feel awful," I let known. "I could have hurt you."

"It's cool. At least you're not hurt," he smiled a little as his gaze returned to the waters.

I stared at him for a while thinking about how beautiful his smile was even though it was not a big one.

I wish he'd smile more. He's too cute.

I automatically started smiling and I felt a tickle in my stomach.

"You okay?" I asked.

His beautiful, hazel eyes travelled back to mine.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"Just checking," I said. "It's the first I've ever seen you smile."

He chuckled lightly before resting his arms behind his head. His muscles bulged causing my eyes to linger for far too long.

"Just not in a big of a mood these days."

He ran his hand through his shiny hair ruffling it a bit.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

Again, he ran his hand through his hair. At this point I didn't know if the sun pelting my skin was hotter or a shirtless Jaxon running his hand through his hair ruffling it along the way.

"My parents just got a divorce and my dad's girlfriend is a pain in the ass," he sighed frustratingly.

"Oh no!" I gaped. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

It must be really hard on him. I can't imagine my parents divorcing. The thought of having a stepmom or a stepdad made me shudder in fear.

Deciding to get closer to him I got up and sat beside him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked comfortingly.

"Naa, it's cool," he assured.

"Do your friends know?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's no big deal. Ava's coming over today," he replied.

I smiled at him before turning my attention to the sky.

"It's going to rain soon," I predicted spotting a rain cloud.

"Adds to the scene," he remarked.

"Heck no," I laughed brushing my hair from my face.

"I'm just kidding," he finally laughed showing his white teeth.

"You should smile more," I encouraged.

"It's something I'll have to consider," he replied with a lopsided smile.

"Please do," I chuckled leaning back.

I closed my eyes focusing on the motion of the boat. The corners of my lips twitched before I gave into a smile. Jaxon finally talked to me. His laugh was so manly yet adorable and the way his eyes narrowed into a smile when he laughed was enough to make me melt into a puddle. I wish he'd be happier. He doesn't deserve what's happening to him. It's not his fault and I just hope he knows that. A few minutes with Jaxon felt like one of those dreams. Yes, I dreamt about him once, maybe twice...but who hasn't ever dreamt of their crush?!

"You were that girl at the beach that night," he suddenly asked.

My mind reverted to the night when I first saw him, reminiscing back on his breathtaking visuals and the way he surfed.


"Y-yes," I stuttered unintentionally.

He looked down before looking back at me again. His eyes then travelled to my head.

"That blue headband is a giveaway," he smiled before getting up and entering the inside of the boat.

Aww come on! It's not that it?

I removed it from my head and stared at it. It was a bright ocean-blue encrusted with artificial silver petal shaped studs. My grandma gifted it to me on my 12th birthday. It's my favourite gift from her. I wish she was still here.

He returned from the inside and plunged himself on the seat beside me. He looked at the headband in my hand.

"Why'd you take it off ?" He asked.

"Just curious. You're the second person that said that to me toda-."

"Don't overthink it Maya, it's cute," he said before the boat wheeled around heading back to shore.


Did Jaxon finally loosen up?!

Keep reading to find out more.

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