~Part One~

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Tsuyu Asui, who's been working with The Dragoon hero; Ryukyu for the past few years was headed home from work, excited to relax for the weekend.

On her way, she walked past an ally, but stopped in her tracks when she heard suspicious rustling, along with what sounded like whimpers.

She walked into the ally, to see two large garbage cans, and an empty bike rack. Though she looked down, seeing a chain that was attached to the bike rack move.

She followed the long metal chain behind two garage bags, rustling noises followed. She carefully moved the bags, to see the chain attached to a blond pups collar. She couldn't tell what breed, but she could tell it looked hurt, and possibly starving from how skinny it was.

'Oh, poor thing,' she thought as she heard him whimper. He was shaking. Who would do this? She didn't have time to ponder, she'd break the chain and get it to her home quickly.

She took a step back, breaking the chain in one swift kick. My, she had strong legs. She picked the pup up and carried it in her arms as she continued walking to her home. It wasn't much farther now.

Once there she set it on her couch, not the slightest bit concerned about getting it dirty. She went into her kitchen grabbing some food and water.

She poured some water into a small bowl, and grabbed some of her leftover sausage from last night, placing it in a separate bowl.

She walked over to the pup and watched as its sides moved up and down. At least it was breathing. Perhaps, she'd prepare it a nice warm bath first before it ate.

She walked into the bathroom attached to her bedroom and barely filled the tub with warm water. As she turned off the faucet, she heard the pup howling from the living room.

She rushed over to see if it was alright. It continued howling, so she cupped his small snout.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe here, kero." She reassured it. She watched as it relaxed into her hands, it's tail wagging slowly behind it.

She smiled softly, picking it up and holding it in her arms, "Come on, let's give you a bath."

She went into the bathroom and placed it in the warm water. She didn't have any dog-safe shampoo, so she'd just rinse it and dry it off.

She poured some water onto the pups head, and not a moment after, it quickly shook the water off. Tsu giggled softly as the water splashed onto her.

"Alright then, let's dry you off." She spoke, lifting him up and grabbing a towel from the cabinets, wrapping it around them and drying it off.

After it was dry, she set the towel aside and stood up, "Come on, there's food and water for you in the kitchen." She spoke, walking off.

Though she noticed the pup wouldn't follow her, so she crouched down and patted her thigh, "Kero, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm nice." She smiled at it, and eventually it slowly followed her into the kitchen.

She watched as its tail wagged when it sniffled the sausage in its bowl. It ate it rather quick, then proceeded to drink the water from the bowl.

Tsu yawned, she looked at the time on her stove and saw it was past nine. 'I suppose it's time for bed.'

She crouched down, patting the pups head, "Well, goodnight. I'll figure out what to do with you tomorrow."

She stood up before walking into her bedroom and then into her bedroom, changing into some pajamas. (A white blouse, and grey shorts.)

She turned the bathroom light off, along with her bedroom light and climbed into bed. She laid down, getting comfortable under her blanket.

After a few minutes, she heard breathing beside the bed. She turned on the lamp that was atop her nightstand and saw the pup, looking up at her.

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