~Part Four~

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The next morning, Tsuyu woke up feeling something heavy atop of her. She groaned as the feeling didn't go away, then she felt the feeling of air blow against her chin.

She lifted her head up to see Katsuki in the same large form he was in yesterday, sleeping on her. She didn't want to wake him.

The bear-sized dog nuzzled his snout against her neck. His tail wagged, hitting the side of the bed.

"Katsuki?" She whispered into his ear, causing it to twitch. Her hand patted his side.

His eyes opened, his small red pupils looking into her dark eyes. He rolled his warm tongue across her neck.

"Ah, Katsuki-" she giggled, patting his head.

'Morning kisses, I suppose?' She thought as he licked her cheek.

"Katsuki," she stopped him from licking her face any more as she cupped his snout in her hands. Then she leaned in and pressed a kiss against his nose.

"Morning." She gave him a closed eye smile, his eyes fixated on her.

"Morning," she heard a gruff voice reply.

She opened her eyes and let out a confused 'kero' as she looked at the large dog still atop of her.

"Oh, Katsuki. You can speak in your form?" She asked.

He didn't speak again, instead just tilted his head.

She chuckled softly, "Well, anyways, can you please change back now? You're kind of crushing me, kero." She kept her arms and hands still, not wanting him to get the wrong idea if he didn't change back.

'He told me those people would force it out of him. I wouldn't do that, and I don't want him to think I would either.'

A few seconds pass and he closed his eyes. It seemed as he was trying, but couldn't. A minute passed and he simply stood up, taking his weight off her and laying beside her on the bed.

"Can't change back yet?" She questioned as she rolled onto her side, facing him. He shook his head.

"That's alright, we can just lay here for a while, kero." She smiled as she pat his head.

He nuzzled his head into her hand, closing his eyes in relaxation.

As he laid on his side, he opened his arms and he spoke again in his gruff voice, "C-Cuddle?"

"Cuddles? Sure!" She gave another closed eye smile and opened her arms.

Though he didn't nuzzle into her chest. She opened her eyes and watched as he shook his head. She let out a confused 'kero.' He then wrapped his arms around her and this time, pulled her into his chest. His fluffy, cozy chest.

"Oh-" she spat out, her mouth practically full of his fur. She didn't mind nuzzling up to him. He was pretty cozy.

Minutes later he poofed back to normal, his legs clung around her waist.

"Ah, there you are." She chuckled, looking down at him nuzzled back into her chest.

He looked up at her with his cheek smooshed against her left breast, "Ms. Tsu, what's for breakfast?"

She pressed her idex finger against her lower lip and thought for a moment, "Hmmm. How about.. pancakes?" She suggested.

"Pan.. cakes? What are those?" His ears twitched curiously.

"Oh, right. I usually make bacon and eggs. Well, pancakes are.. well, they're real soft, and sort of flat! And if you put syrup on them, it makes them taste better!"

His eyes lit up in excitement, as well as a smal drop of drool fell from his mouth, "Woww.. really?!"

She giggled, "Yep! C'mon, let's go to the kitchen and I'll start making us some."

Half an hour later, the two sat at the kitchen table and ate their pancakes. Katsuki finished his rather quickly, wanting some more afterwards.

She gave him what was left over on her plate, claiming she was full already. Though in reality, she enjoyed seeing him happy as he ate her food.

Katsuki let out a small burp as he finished his plate, even licking the syrup off as well, "Yum!"

She pat his head when he jumped into her lap, "So, what would you like to do now?"

His pupils dilated as he looked up at her, "Cuddles?"

She let out a soft chuckle, "We can't just cuddle all day, kero. We have to make the most of the week before I go back to work!"

"Awe. Please?" he pouted his lower lip.

She rolled her eyes, seeing as she'd lost the battle of will, "Oh, alright then. Come on, we can watch tv and cuddle on the couch, kero."


Tsu sat on the couch with Katsuki laying his head in her lap. Katsuki wasn't really interested in whatever was on tv, he just enjoyed Tsu petting his head.

"So, Katsuki?" Tsu spoke, looking down at him.

He looked up at her, "Hm?"

"I was wondering if.. maybe you wanted me to bring you to an adoption center?"

He sat up in her lap, "For what?"

"So someone could adopt and take care of you, kero."

His eyes widened and his ears drooped, "Wha.. but.. you already take care of me?.."

"I-I know! But, once I go back to work next week, I'll be busy. Work takes up most of my time, I usually get home after six or seven pm. So, I wouldn't be around much.."

Tears formed in his eyes as he clung onto her shirt, "I-I don't wanna leave you, Ms. Tsu!" He whimpered, tears ran down his cheeks as he nuzzled into her.

"O-Oh, okay, Katsuki. I won't take you to an adoption center, if that isn't what you want, kero." She pat his head and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"But.. that means you'll have to get use to being alone. I won't be able to take you to work with me, you know?"

"Yes, I know.." he murmured, "I'll get the hang of it! I will, if that means I don't have to leave you.."

Tsu smiled warmly, "Okay then. We can practice. If you're gonna stay here, then you'll grow older here, as well." She pet his head.

"Mhm, I wanna stay with you for as long as I live!" He sniffled as he nuzzled closer into her.

She pressed a kiss against his ear, "I hope you do. I'm already used to you being here. I'm not sure what I'd do without you.."

"Me neither," he sniffled.

They continued to snuggle close for another hour before the decided to get ready for bed. Tsu bathed first, then Katsuki and they changed into their pajamas.

They laid and bed, Katsuki poofed into his small pup form and nuzzled into her stomach.

"Kats?" She whispered, looking down at him as he nuzzled into her. He whimpered, continuing to nuzzle closer into her.

"I'm not leaving you Kats. Not tonight." She assured him as she pet his head.

His tail wagged slowly as he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

She pulled him into her chest, being careful not to suffocate him as she pressed a kiss against his ear.

"Night," she whispered before drifting off to sleep as well.

Part Four

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