~Part Two~

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On Sunday, Tsuyu brought Katsuki to the mall to buy him some necessities. Like clothes, maybe some toys. Honestly, she'd buy him whatever he wanted.

Tsu carried him in her arms the whole time, since he didn't have any shoes. Neither of them minded. After a while of shopping, they headed to the food court.

"Hungry?" She asked him.

He didn't answer. Instead, he hid his face in her neck.

"What's the matter?" She questioned as she rubbed his back comfortingly.

No response again. Maybe he was tired, or wasn't use to large crowds.

"It's alright, I'm here. Let's get some food!" She smiled, continuing to walk to one of the food stands.

They both ended up sharing a crepe. Katsuki's tail wagged as he ate it.

"Yum," he murmured as he took another bite.

Tsu smiled, "Glad you like it."

After shopping they headed home, Tsu took everything out the bags and placed them on the couch.

"So," she began, "I have a guest bedroom. Would you like to sleep in there from now on, kero?"

Katsuki looked up at her and frowned, "I.. I can't share with you?" He asked softly, his ears drooping.

Tsu looked at the sad expression on his face,
"O-Oh, well, it's not that! I just thought you'd wanna have your own room. But if you wanna share my room, I'm fine with that, kero." She smiled, patting his head.

"O-Okay. I'm not sure how I feel about sleeping by myself anyway.. sounds scary."

"It's alright. The guest rooms always there if you want it."

He nodded, before wrapping his arms around her leg, holding her close.

"Can you wait here for a minute while I put your clothes up?" She asked, picking him up and setting him on the couch.

"Okay," he mumbled.

She pressed a kiss against his head before taking his clothes to her room. She then organized them in her closet, separating them my shirts, pants, shoes, and underwear.

She then went into her bathroom to put up the shampoo and conditioner she bought for him. Afterwards she went back into the living room. Though to her surprise, Katsuki wasn't there.

"Kero, Katsuki?" She spoke.

"Here," she nearly jumped as she heard his voice behind her.

"Ah, there you are." She patted his head softly, "Where'd you go?"

"I was behind you the whole time.." he mumbled.

"Oh, why's that?"

The small boy looked down, fiddling with his fingers nervously, "I didn't want you to leave me.."

She crouched down, facing the small boy, "I'm not leaving you, Katsuki," she smiled warmly.

He pouted, on the verge of tears before jumping into her arms and wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Awe, sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad." She murmured as she felt his teardrops fall against her shoulder.

"I-It's okay," he murmured, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Hm. I know what we can do!" She exclaimed, lifting the small boy in the air.

"Oh, what?" He asked, his ears twitching curiously.

"You can play with your toys for a bit, while I request the week off work." She smiled.

"R-Really?!" He exclaimed happily, his tail swishing back and forth.

She giggled, "Yeah, of course!"

Later, while Katsuki was playing with his Lego's, Tsu was on her phone, waiting for a response from her mentor, Ryukuyu.

'It'll take a while, I'm sure," she thought, 'She's rather busy.'

After a few more minutes, she noticed it started to rain heavy outside. She was fine with it. She loved the rain. She also looked down to see if Katsuki was okay with it. He didn't look to bothered, occupied with his Lego's.

Though when lighting struck, is when he jumped up and yelped, pouncing into Tsu's lap. She looked down at him in surprise as he clung onto her shirt, practically shaking in place.

"W-What was that?!" He asked, scared.

"It's just thunder, kero. We're okay," she reassured him as she pulled him closer for a hug, rubbing his back as they did.

He nuzzled his cheek into her chest as he stared out the window at the pouring rain.

As it continued to thunder, the lights in the house flickered before turning off. Katsuki whimpered as he hid beside Tsuyu.

"Awe, Katsuki," she frowned as she watched his ears droop. He looked up her her, pouting. Rather cute, in her opinion.

She placed her hand on his head, watching him tense up as she did so. Her nails scratched his scalp gently, while bringing her other hand up to his head as well. She stroked one of his ears.

She looked into his eyes, watching his eyelids relax. He closed his eyes, leaning his head back and letting out a cute yawn before laying his head against her chest.

She continued to pet him, seeing as he'd stopped shaking, as well as his tail swishing back and forth.

"Better?" She asked softy, both her hands now stroking his ears.

"Mmh," he nodded, relaxing into her chest.

"It's okay, it'll be over soon, kero." She smiled.

He let out a whine as she scratched behind his ears, "Ah, sorry." She murmured.

"N-No, no. D-Do it again, please."

"Oh, alright." She murmured before scratching behind his ears again.

He shuddered, his tail swishing back and forth faster now. Wow, that thing sure is fast.

After a few minutes, the power finally turned on again. She sighed of relief, "Great. Alright, It's getting late, wanna take your bath now?"

She heard him whine as she removed his hands from his head. She pat his head once more before standing up, picking him up as well and carrying him to her bathroom.


After his bath, she dried him off and gave him his pajamas to change into. Then she laid him on the bed, laying next to leave.

"Can we leave the lamp on?" He asked softly.

She nodded, "If you like, kero."

She kissed his forehead before laying on her side, facing away from him, "Goodnight!"

A few seconds passed and he didn't reply. Which didn't bother her. He didn't have to say it if he didn't want to.

"We're not gonna do it?" She heard him mumble. She could hear the sadness in his voice.

She turned back to face him, "Do what?"

"Hug while we sleep?" He mumbled again, his ears drooping as he asked.

"Hug? Oh, you mean cuddle. Sure, we can do that!" She smiled, leaving her arms wide open for him to snuggle into.

He immediately went into her arms, his head nuzzled underneath her chest. His tail wagged back and forth as they cuddled.

"Can.. can we do this every night?" He asked softly, nuzzling into her.

She smiled softly, "Of course. Whenever you want, kero."

Part Two

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