Super-Friends VS. The New Leviathan:

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~{Chapter 3}~ *This chapter is about when Kara came back home to National🏙City to find it in chaos💥and destruction! She and the others with their kids came up with the perfect plan to defeat Leviathan again! But this time for good.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

Kara arrived in National City to see her beloved city in mayhem💥! She saw Isabel, Noah, Esme, and Jacob in their new super suits Facing Leviathan. Which is impossible as her eyes widened in shock when she saw that. "What's going on here? I leave National City for 2 weeks...
And this happens," Kara said with fear in her eyes about to step in and stop this madness. Suddenly, a dream🌀blast came out of nowhere and almost hit her from above. It couldn't have been Isabel... Which means that it must've been Nia. "Is that her and Brainy on their balcony? I wonder why..." Kara questioned looking up to see them there. They both waved to her calling out her name and saying... "Kara, we're up here!" brainy and Nia said out loud in unison. She flew up to them to find out what happened. Then Nia hugged her best friend and said. "Kara, you're back! I'm so glad to see you! You missed so much," Nia said softly. glad that she was back from her story in Central City.
Brainy nodded agreeing with his wife, Nia, and said. "Yes. there's a lot we should catch you up on," He said. Kara broke the hug. "So, what exactly did I miss?" Kara asked and Demanded answers to what was happening in her city. Nia and Brainy looked at each other giving Kara a nervous look. He fiddled with his ring nervously. And that's when Kara knew he was nervous. They both were... Which meant something really bad went down here When she was away. "Like we said Kara, there's a lot we need to catch you up on," Nia said softly. "Okay then. just give the short version." Kara said wanting the short version to fully understand what happened to the City. Brainy cleared his throat and said. "Alright then, long story short..." he said explaining to Kara Giving her the short version of it. Her eyes widened in shock. "Wait what?! You're serious..." Kara said out loud couldn't believe it. Brainy and Nia nodded to let Kara know it was true. "Oh Wow! This is bad. I never should have left in the first place!" Kara said panicking. Brainy added. "Kara, it's not a total loss. I and Nia have faith in our kids and the others." He said comforting his friend. For her not to worry and believes his kids can do this. It's what they've been training for their whole life. And hearing that made Kara feel hopeful again.

*Meanwhile Isabel, Noah, Esme, and Jacob are all standing proud and strong together against Leviathan.*
Isabel remembered something that her father, Brainy told her about the features in her suit. Her boots have built-in tech which allows her to harness raw dream🌀energy✨with her movements when fighting enemies. not just harnessing dream energy in her hands, or moves but throughout all her body too. Isabel knew exactly what to do at that moment and looked to her brother and her best friends. They knew that she had a brilliant idea💡Or plan up her sleeve. Just Like Noah usually does! Siblings think alike I guess. "I have an Idea," Isabel said softly whispering about her brilliant idea to make a distraction. To come up with a better solution with their parents at the DEO Isabel plans to be that distraction. They all nodded and agreed with her. Well, Noah had doubts But trusted his sister. Isabel told them to stand back then stomped lightly and dream energy surrounded the ground all around her. She leaped into the air, Feeling that energy within her. As it has always been a part of her since the day she was born! combining her newfound dream🌀energy in every fiber of her body with her flight ability in mid-air. Leviathan charged in after Isabel as They came at her in the air she quickly dodged them in mid-air and fired a powerful dream🌀blast at looked like a lotus🪷flower of dream energy. Hitting only Leviathan to the ground with no damage to the city! Thankfully... a fog of smoke set then Isabel, Noah, Esme, and Jacob disappeared after the smoke cleared...They Headed to the DEO to come up with a plan to defeat Leviathan! The bad guys were furious that they got away. Then, they disappeared too in rage Heading back to headquarters ready to strike back again!

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