The new Legion of Superheroes!

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~{Chapter 11}~*This chapter is set in the future🌌 *2051* when Isabel, Noah, and their friends are now all members of the "Legion" along with New other recruits such as "Nora West Allen" aka "XS" the daughter of Flash❤️⚡️& Iris West Allen
And a leader who has been trained for years for this moment as the rest of them were taught by the best! Even though, it was a Superhero league founded in the *31st Century* the Future starts now... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*In "2051" in National🏙City*
After 5-10 years of working at the *DEO* Isabel Dox left wanting a new change in her life in embracing her path as The "dreamer" also, known as Dream🌀Girl but she was unsure of what to do now. This is why her father Brainy, Querl Dox founded the Legion a little early but in doing so, it changed the future✨. And when he did... a new team/league of Superheroes was born! After Supergirl, Dreamer🌀and the other heroes of *National City* retired hanging up their capes & masks for a new generation of heroes to take their place knowing that this city was in good hands with their children. Because they knew they were ready to take responsibility for it... and that's starting tonight for them taking a stand showing the world🌎and the city who they are and they're not afraid to show it!

*Late at night🌃*
Downtown in the streets of National🏙City of a dark alleyway was a gang of bad guys causing trouble up to no good... 7 of them went their separate ways causing all sorts of illegal crimes since Supergirl and her team hang up their capes. All of a Sudden, blue🌀spirals made of *dream energy* in the form of a "lasso" with a combination of blue💙lightning⚡️that knocked the two bad guys off balance. "Who are you two?" Woman bad guy 1 asked getting up off the ground and looking at the two heroes who they are and their names. "I'm Dream Girl," Isabel🩵Dox said heroically as an Introduction standing proud. "And I'm Blue Lighting," Logan💙Ranzz said standing right beside his girlfriend and partner fearlessly.  Then, they tied them both up in power-dampening cuffs disturbing their alien powers/abilities. But they weren't worried at all cause these new Heroes would soon have to face their "leader" as the woman gangster declared out loud to make a point.  "You may have defeated us but you'll never defeat my boyfriend the leader of our Alien gang." Skylar Everhart said thinking negatively that these new heroes will fail and they'll ruin this City🌆where there's no hope or any one to stop their evil plans. Well, Isabel didn't see it that way because of her hopeful🌀heart🩵and positive✨attitude and she spoke out courageously not afraid to speak up for what's right and what she believes in. "I wouldn't be so sure about that... Because we're not the only heroes in town! we have a team of our own. And I'm their leader. With them by my side anything is possible! Besides, we are never alone... as long as there's "hope" and light in this world New Heroes will always Rise to the top when the originals can't. And that's us!" Dream Girl added heroically speaking like a true hero at heart💙standing up to the bad guys bravely with hope as her Aunt Kara always did. Then, she contacted the other heroes on her blue gauntlet. As it beeps futuristically, her bother💚, her friends/and new recruits Including, XS💜⚡️showed up right on time right on time... ready to face the leader of the alien gang after rounding up all of his 5 buddies and the two that Isabel and Logan caught. So, what's left to do is take down the final Boss in keeping this City safe and the whole World🌎.

So, together they stood bravely and fought as a Legion of friends/family with their combined powers and strengths and won the battle!
"Woah, who are you?" Leo Ironheart the "leader" of the gang asked them wanting answers to who these New Heroes were and where the "superfriends" were. This wasn't the Superheroes he was expecting to stop him. "We are the Legion of Superheroes!" Isabel and her team said in unison out loud proudly while posing heroically telling the bad guys who they are. And now, the whole world🌎kmows😉.

{To be Continued?}*Short chapter, sorry😅. I hope you enjoyed reading📖this chapter... until next time. Bye, for now!*

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