The final endorsement 

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"Eh what is going on" Dazai said as he looked around then he saw Chuuya "Chuuya? Why— Hey are you Alright?" He asked, No response, *CRASH* Atagawa Comes through the door..

"Hi how you doing, i'm good so you know suicide, and stuff like that yes that would be great for me at this time." Dazai said. Atagawa Gasped, "If you die i'll die with you.." Atagawa said, then Chuuya opened his eyes and looked around, "Huh? Oh, is this really what I have come to?" He muttered, "Oh my god could this not get any worse." Chuuya groaned,

"You.. Why are you trying to steal My Man away from me!" Atagawa shouted, "Huh?! I-im not! He's my assistant! And I don't have any relationship with him, He's annoying as it is!" Chuuya Shouted, trying to untie his hands "I'm Right here!" Dazai said, "It's true.."

Chuuya muttered, Finally managing To get his hands Untied, "Back off! You can't do anything now!" Chuuya shouted, Stepping behind Dazai and untying his hands, "Now. I want you to stop this Train now, Otherwise He'll get hurt!" Chuuya shouted and put Dazai in a headlock, at gunpoint, Atagawa Stood there, for a moment "I'll shoot his Brains out!" Chuuya said in Rage Then the Train stopped. Finally..

"ok.. Now! Step away from the Entry and I'll let him go until Me and him Get out of this Train!" Atagawa didn't say anything he then stepped away And I practically dragged Dazai out with me and waited until the Train doors Closed, Then I let go and put my gun away and stepped back "Heh, When you meant I'll blow his brains out! Did you actually mean it?
Otherwise I could have done it myself.." Dazai said, "Eh?— Why would you?" "Because— I see no point in living. I mean life is short and If you wanna die, Then die..." Dazai said.

Chuuya stood in silence trying to fight the urge to slap Dazai, and also Trying to think, "Uhm, Well I don't have time for all this sad Crap Let's go, We've got a mission to do." Chuuya said,
Walking ahead and Then Past a Corner, Ok so All we have to do is find this guy and Execute him? He thought to himself. Suddenly Chuuya saw his target, "Perfect." Chuuya muttered,

Dazai followed but he was Quiet, That's When the guy's Body Dropped to the Ground, Chuuya snickered, "Fun." He said, "Was that all?" Dazai Said Sarcastically, Chuuya turned around and nodded then walked past him. Chuuya went to grab his phone. It wasn't in his pocket So he checked his other pocket. It wasn't there either. Crap where the hell is it? He thought to himself, Chuuya then sighed in annoyance "Dazai.." Chuuya groaned, "Do you have a phone?" Chuuya asked, Dazai shook his head.

Dazai knew he had his phone he just didn't wanna give it to him
"That's Great!" Chuuya Growled in irritation from what happened 20 minutes ago, "Chibi, Relax.." Dazai said Putting his hand on Chuuya's shoulder, Chuuya Smacked his hand down and pulled his coat over his shoulder while fixing his hat, "well, My work here is done I'll be on my way now, See you later Dazai.." Chuuya Said Walking Away Leaving Dazai Stand by himself.

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