~Chapter 27

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"You'll come and watch me do my football practice today" Chris holds my hands.

" Is that a request or a command. Anyway, nope not at all" I rolled my eyes and remove my hands from his before mum suspects.

"Why you removing your hands?" Chris takes my hands again. "shy?"

"Mum will suspect" I looked down

"Only?" He chuckled

"You wouldn't like her to start calling us a thing in front of Taylor now, would you?" I arch me eye brows at him.

"Oh yeah" he released my hand from his grip and turned me around to face him again.

"What" I looked at his blue eyes inquisitively

" You look beautiful" he smiled at me

" Only? Mum will be coming up very soon and we're outside our rooms. If she sees...." He pressed his lips into mine. A very quick kiss.

"Now that's how to shut you up" he chuckled and pulls me downstairs

"I was only tryna correct you or stop us from being caught" I hit him with my elbow.

"Only one kiss and you kept quiet" he said in a sing song tone.

"Chris!!' I slapped his chest playfully.

"It's too early to fight kids" Mrs grey said, handing us both cups of coffee

"Kids? We prefer teens." Chris takes the coffees from her.

"Sorry sorry" Mrs grey chuckled.

" Nah-Nah. Sip!" Chris tries to feed me with the teaspoon.

" I can do it. Give it to me" I tried to take it but he slapped my hand

" He's just being a good brother or..." Mrs grey wiggles her eyebrows at us

"I'm being a good brother" Chris winked at me. Good brother my ass.

Siblings that make out. Funny.

"Fine" I sip the coffee and he licks the tip of my nose when mum faced elsewhere.

I pinch his skin. "Stop" I said and he sticks out his tongue while mum turned to look at us

"I seriously don't know what you guys are doing at my back. But honestly, you both fit" Mum keeps a sweet face

"We'll get going" Chris pulled me

"Wait!" I removed my hands and run to hug mum. "Love you"

"Love you too" she smiled at me and hugged me lightly

"Bye" Chris yells and we race to his car.


"Ann, how are you?" Becca smiled at me

"Hey babe" I smiled at Becca that's standing close to my locker "I'm fine and you?"

"I'm happy" she smiled

"I can see" I smirked

"Hey babe" Josh pecks becca and she blushed

"Ew!" Cally keeps a disgusted face and holds my waist.

"Awwn" I coo.

"Hey little one" Josh ruffles my hair and I slapped his hand away.

"You did not tell me!" I pout at Becca

"I was gonna'' she blushes. "He asked me out yesterday. We met somewhere after I was done babysitting the kids" she explained

"I don't know if it's weird but I am into Kimberly" Cally said.


"Really?" I shifted and his hands fall from my waist.

"Maybe just to fuck her" he shrugged. "She gat cool shape" he smirked.

"You're drooling man. Let's go babe" Josh holds Becca hand

"You're stealing my bestie"

"I won't be releasing her today" Josh winked and Becca gives me an apologetic smile

"Go ahead" I rolled my eyes and I hugged Becca

"Gat to shoot my shot" Cally pecked my hair and runs to find kimberly. I guess?

I find my book and shut my locker after taking the necessary book.

"Hey beautiful" a brunette guy meets me.

"Hi" I simply said, holding my book to my chest

"You're the new girl with scar huh?" He smirks

"Uh... You should know" I don't feel comfortable around this particular guy

"I'm Tristan Green" he brings out his right hand.

Tristan! That guy Becca told me about

"I'm ..."

"Anastesia" he smiled and I shake his hand.

"I need to get to class"

"See ya later Sia" he winks and I smile. Fake smile

How do they give nicknames immediately.

I make my way to my geography class. I see Josh in class. So surprising

"You offer geography?" I arch my eyebrow at him

"Yeah" he smiled

" I forced him to enter" Becca smirked

"It's obvious" I laughed but the laugh dies off when someone pushes me.

"Mind how you stand, bitch" kimberly frowned

"Clean your hands kim. So you don't contaminate any disease in case she has one" Nina offered kimberly a towel

"Ew!" She wipes her hand "Disgusting"

"At least, her disease can be cured unlike some people's disease" Becca said and I snickered

"Can we get a H and an I and a V" Josh pecks becca and the two girls stomp off to their seat in anger

"Jerks" I mutter

One day I'll stand up to them
I find where to sit and put my ass down. I place my book on the desk and put on my earplug. Today geography teacher is kinda late. I rest my head on the desk. Nope I'm not sleeping. How will I sleep with all these noise in the class. Suddenly, the noise starts to die off and I raise my head to find the geography teacher

We learn for 2 hours before going on a break. I find my way to the football field. I later promised Chris that I'll come watch him. Yeah, after much persuasion and little kisses.

Firstly, I go to the locker room to wait for him and then we go together. I see tristan there and he rushes to meet me.

"Hey Sia" Tristan hugged me lightly which was very weird as I couldn't even respond to it

"Uh...hi" I try to release myself from his hug.

"You both know each other?" Chris says in awe

"Yeah...I met him...."

"We know each other. See you around dearie" he winked and runs off

"Ana, I want you...."

"Christian! Over here fast!" An average aged looking man yells. I think he's the coach. Can't see him clearly from here

"Yes coach" he glanced at me one more time before running. I find my way to the bleacher.

So I'm gonna sit here all day.

Very interesting.

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