~ Chapter 29

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"Stop hanging out with Tristan" Chris yelled at me in my room.

Not aggressively though just pained.

He's been wanting to talk to me about this Tristan stuff but he's been so busy lately. Tristan and I tend to vibe well. We've been vibing for the past 5 days.

"I have the right to choose who I hang out with" I frowned.

"You're new to the school and I'm old. So, you have to listen to me. He's a bad person"

"What's your reason?" I folded my arms

"Just don't hang out with him" he yelled

"See! I won't let you control me. He's my friend. You did not or you haven't given me a good reason to stay away from him. So let me be. I beg you" I clasp my hand together.

"You're staying in my house! I took the risk and brought you here to the city. I brushed you up. So, you have to listen and do as I tell you" he blurted out with pure anger in every word.

You know the mind of people when they're angry, they said

"Someone finally said their mind" I laughed a little with no humor and shake my head in disbelief

I'll leave the house.

"Fuck out!" He leaves my room and bangs the door.

I pick my phone and a message drops. It's a video from Tristan. We exchanged contact last week. I click on the video and Christians face pops up

"See! She's no one special to me. My family is helping her out because she doesn't have a family or do I say she's abandoned? So please taylor don't get mad at me"

What a great timing!

I drop my phone on the bed. I just can't believe this. But he's the one. It doesn't look edited. A message drops and I look at it.

Tristan: I was passing and then I met them arguing so I decided to video

Me: Thanks. I need your help. I need an apartment

Tristan: uh... I'll look for one. How will you pay for the rent?

Me: I'll look for a job. Let this be between us

Tristan: sure

I will act like I'm good for few days till I am ready to leave. I'm grateful but I need to live in my own. I need to fend for myself. I call Becca and she comes over.

"So, he said all these? And also said this to Taylor?" She asks in disbelief

"Yes" I nod slowly

"That's bad. What's your plan"

"To leave his house"


"I gat everything covered" I said. Chris walked in and Becca stands up

"Ana can I...."

"Please sit" I tell Chris and he sits down looking at me like I've loosed a nut. "Sit Becca" I said to Becca and I stand.


"My mum died when I was a year and three months" I cut Becca off.

"Why you telling us this?" Chris asked

"I want to clear something to someone" I smiled and stand up, preparing myself for what I'm about to do. "So, everything was going fine but my dad wasn't okay. He started maltreating me when I was 10. It continued like this till when I was 12. He brought in a new wife and everything, my life just became hell. Dad threw bottles at me to let out the frustration. He flogged me once for showing my scary face to his friends. He couldn't bare it anymore and threw me out" I stopped and smile. I'm not gonna cry.

"I walked all the way from my home to the woods and I stayed at one uncompleted building. I started working for people in order to earn money to buy food stuff. They insulted me. I bared it. I started covering my body from the world but I'm not gonna do that anymore" I remove my jacket. "See!" I raise my gown up. "The scar on my thigh is caused by my father" I bring down my gown. "So, I started working at a bar but I later got tired and decided to leave. Why? Because the owner of the bar molested me. I thought it was gonna end once I leave the bar but nope it happened three times if not four" I sit down on my couch. I hate my life

"Ana" Chris said, softly

"I'm fine" I smiled and Becca gives me a weak smile

"I did not complain to anybody. I was molested and raped at a very tender age. Torture right? I kept shut. I wanted to kill myself but it just didn't happen and someone came to save me. I'm very grateful Chris" I looked straight at Chris eyes and smile weakly

"It's nothing. I just..."

"Mr lucky will be looking for me because he asked me not to leave. Like he owns me" I scoffed. I stand up and clap my hands once. "That's my life story people. The summary of it" I smiled weakly.


'' I don't need anyones favour or sympathy" I cut Becca off. "I have a family. They don't just know my worth" I smiled again.

"Ana can we...."

"Chris, it's okay" I smiled. ''Becca let's go. I'm starting over" I pulled Becca up and left the house before her. The tears I've been holding finally drops and my chest was still burning. That was me. This is the new me. I want to be a new person

              The End😑

Haq...I'm kidding.

What kind of Author will I be?

But did you really think it was the end?

Vote counts as usual my lovelies.

©Dame Cherie🧡❤️🌹

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