2)Hopping on the ride

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بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

"In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, their noble companions and all the true believers present in this world or the other

Ameen ♥

Her Point of View

That first site, of how they all were laid on their seats scared me. They were not asleep, one could tell.

I looked at the now closed door with panic, it was looking really scary. There were around two sections (left and right) in the bus separated by a wide aisle, there were rows of seets in the bus, out of which only five were occupied, and the end area had one door to the left and in the right part there was a compartment devoted to the luggage.

I could see clearly, the two ladies sprawled out on their seats, two was on the back with their head hanging in a weird way and I could see a hijab peeping from the seat beside them, also laid out in an uncanny style.

They were laid out on their seats like they were passed out, and not sleeping.
Before I could turn back, the driver started the bus.

It didn't help my nerves either, and I knocked on the glass sheild that separated the driver and inner bus, the driver nodded his head and reached his hand back to the open a slow portion of the glass sheild.

I peeked inside, and then said, "Could you.. Could you please stop the bus? I have to be out of it. Like right this minute!"

"But you just entered", he replied in a gruff tone.

"Yes, I know, but I need to be out of here now. I would call the cops now! Have you seen these people?! They are all looking like you have drugged them. They are literally hanging from their seats!"

His answer was a loud laugh in his gruff tone, "They all are just sleeping, madam, they are not quite young now, and they sleep like this. They have had a long journey".

When I didn't reply, he said further, "There's nothing dangerous, why don't you stay for a while and if you still don't feel safe, then I'll stop the bus".

This option seemed good, but I still said in my stern voice, "I hope you do that, and would you please, safe or not, stop at the airport when you pass through that route? I have to stop there".

"Okay ma'am", saying this, he closed the glass sheild back. And I moved back to sit in one of the vacant seats.

That time, I didn't unnotice the fact that the driver didn't even turn to look at me once, that should have made me suspicious.
But I was too freaked out, and I knew that I was just going to be out of the bus, sooner.

But still, that driver and his uncanny way should have been the second red flag for me.

I hugged my carrying bag close to my waist and tied it there so it wouldn't move, because I did not trust the driver at all, and then moved my suitcase to where all the bags were located, in the little luggage compartment beside the back door, and after closing the compartment's door, I walked to the seat a row away from the supposedly sleeping ladies.

After sitting , I looked at the sleeping figures, I recognized them and couldn't believe that I was seeing all these faces in the real life, instead of the photos. They all were of mid ages, but still the youth glow was present on their faces.

And before I knew, even if I had woke up late, I drifted off to sleep.

That was my third red flag and Last chance to ecaspe.

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