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بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ
" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

There was chaos all around the bus, screams everywhere, ear piercing screams.

"Ringa Ringa Roses"

I gripped the nearest seat to me, as I felt the gravitation dragging me down, I gripped it tightly and looked around to find the ladies holding on to something or another.

"A Pocket full of poises"

There were still screams everywhere, the lights blinked, and I could see in those blinking lights, the harsh light coming from the ipad that was on the floor of aisle, its speaker still blaring around.

"Ashes! Ashes!"

My heart felt like it's going to burst, and I honeslty felt like I was having a heart attack, my eyes clouded with tears.

"We All Fall Down"

The screams there were able to make people deaf, as the bus fell down from the mountain leading all of us to our ends.


Five higschool friends, famous in all the high-school because of their friendship, drifted apart after graduation, all gone into their lives. After two decades they plan to meet again, plan a trip only to find out that the trip was not what they expected at all.
One of their friends was dead that they didn't even know about, so instead that friend's niece joined in their trip to tell them about her aunt's death and to meet the people her aunt always talked about, only to find that this trip is going to shake her whole world, literally.
After having their bus literally falling down the mountain, they find out that they landed in the middle of Nowhere, trapped in a weird game of death, the game of four death rounds, all becoming worst than the other.

Trapped in nowhere, distressed about their life, trapped in a death game, they all find ways to escape and survive, also finding in the way the key of Tawaqqul.

Will they survive? Or all of them would be dead even before the real game starts?
Join them in their journey, Warning : this will have you on your toes.


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