3)We All Fell Down

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بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ
" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, their noble companions and all the true believers in this world or the other. Ameen

I gripped the seat so tight that I was afraid, it might fall off. My whole body shivered in fear and the background screams and wails of fear weren't helping either.

I don't want to die!


this time the black dots increased and my body was turning into panic mode, before I tried my best to not lose my senses.

Then I pondered upon what was making me so afraid right now, I was afraid that I was going to die. My fear was death. I looked at my wrist that was gripping the seat tight and looked at the visible line of pulse there.

If Allah Almighty had written my death that moment, nothing was going to stop it, no matter how much I tried to save myself. And if it wasn't written, nothing was going to hurt me, no matter how unsafe I become.

I have tawaqwul on my Rabb, in Whose hands my life is.

"Help me, Allah", a desperate plead involuntary came out of my lips and I felt a calm on my soul, that He Will Help me, He Will.

The bus gave another jolt, thus came another round of screams and I looked at the figure holding the lock of the back door, like her life depended on it which it literally did.

The back door!

It could be our escape, it was very risky. But still it was better than doing nothing.

So taking Allah Almighty 's Name, I gripped the seat tight and tried to lift my body with its weight, the athletic skills my aunt passed down on me coming in handy. The seat groaned but it didn't come off even a bit, Alhamdulillah, depending all my weight on the seats I turned my legs up and hugged the seat that my hands were gripping, then with a jump, I jumped on the seat, or more like its back, as the bus was tilted vertically.

Then I sat up, and repeated the same procedure with the next seat and then another, forgetting the unbearable pain in my body. As I continued doing so, I reached near the back door, and sat on the last seat which was just foots distance away from the back door.

The girl, Amal, was clinging badly with her legs dangling down in the open space of aisle.

I yelled to her, "Hey! Look, we need to get this door open, it could be our way out!"

I only got pants in answer, the bus was dangling more in danger, "Hey! Can you hear me!?"

This time I could see her nodding in response, and a young panicked voice replied me, "I can't leave it, I will die!"

Then she panted, "My grip... My grip is getting lose... My hands.... they are paining like they are tearing apart. Help! ", and a pain filled groan left her lips.

The sweat on my forehead increased, and then I realised that her legs were dangling very near the seats, as the lock was more on the side of the aisle, the door was mostly on the side of the seats, reachable to me.

"I know it's risky, but you have to believe me on this, you can't hold onto that lock much longer, you will have to leave it", at this she snapped her head to me from which I could see her grey eyes widen through the gap in her niqab (face veil) .

"Please, we don't have any other option but to trust each other at this point, there are six lives including yours depending on this, please, we don't have much time", I had tears in my eyes as I pleaded to her my eyes wandering to the the dangling fingers downwards, who I knew couldn't hold much longer.

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