14. No One

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'How many Dornish men does it take to fuck a goat?' Bronn said and Tyrion let out a huff of a breath. This was turning out to be a long morning.

'Please don't.' Tyrion begged, Bronn sat down by a tree leaning against it, bored out of his mind and much to sober for this.

'it seems to me a smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern that way one parties late the other party can drink some ale inside.' Bronn remarked.

'It is the prince of Dorne we are waiting for.' Tyrion reminded him 'not to sell sword friend.'

'If he's so damn important why did they send you to meet him?' Bronn questioned.

''There is bad blood between the Martel's of Dorne and the Lannister's of Castlery rock for years.' Tyrion told them.

'And just in case the Martel's of Dorne spill some Lannister blood it might as well be yours?' Bronn suggested.

''I also happen to be a skilled diplomat.' Tyrion reminded him

"Who trained you to fight?" Tessa pondered as jaime finished getting his ass beat by a straw dummy. He wasnt as good with his left hand it was unfortunate that tessa had to see him so pathetic and not at his prime.

"I learned from the White Bull and Barristan the Bold. I learned from Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, who could have slain all five of these kingsguard with his left hand while he was taking a piss with the right..." Jaime remarked nodding to the knights in the courtyard.  "I learned from Prince Lewyn of Dorne and Ser Oswell Whent and Ser Jonothor Darry, good men every one." Jaime remarked. "And i know what you are thinking. No wonder the king is dead if he had men like me protecting him."

"I wasnt thinking that. Im impressed you dont just drop it right away being your non dominant hand." Tessa remarked.

"You really arent making fun of me." Jaime realized.

"I'm not that type of person." Tessa agreed. 'I heard prince Doran is coming today, have you ever met him?"

"Not prince doran." Jaime remarked. "I met his younger siblings when I was younger."

"Oberyn." Tessa recalled "And... Elia."

"Yes most have the same sad face as you do when they say her name." Jaime agreed.

"Its awful what happened to her and her children." Tessa whispered.

"THe mountain is uncontrollable." Jaime offered. "BUt I will keep you safe."

'Where is prince Oberyn?' Tyrion questioned.

'He arrived before dawn. He is not one for welcome parties our Prince.'

'Very well.' Tyrion said turning around, now he had to find a possibly murderous definitely unstable prince roaming kings landing 'these fine men from the city watch will escort you-' they started walking past him 'to the city watch you must be wary after such... A long journey.' Tyrion said

'Yes true diplomacy' Bronn added.

"What will be your official title once your sister marries the king?" Jaime mused. Tessa chuckled.

"Tessa Tyrell. Sister of the queen. Just like I'm sure your former title was so Jamie, Lannister, brother, and sworn sword of the Queen." Tessa offered. Jaime chuckled out

"Oh come now. I was much more than that. I was king slayer, and oathbreaker. I was every nasty thing in the book."

" that's probably why you were such a good knight." Tessa agreed. " Unskilled warriors don't get so many nicknames."

" I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to make me smile."

" that is a skill I will greatly except. Because you have a lovely smile."

" are there skills you have you dislike?"

" I'm an excellent kitter but it's not really a skill I'm proud of."

" why? Knitting is her useful skill to have." he assured her.

" my favorite things to make our little baby boots, baby blankets, and all things baby. But I will never have a baby of my own. You see my dilemma, but I suppose now I make things for my sisters future children. They will enjoy it. Keep there little toes warm."

"You want children."

"Since I saw a child i wanted children." Tessa shrugged. " i'm afraid it's not in the cards for me."

" what if it was?"

His words echoed in her mind the rest of the night. He was called away on duty, so they never got to finish that talk unfortunately so she was left to wonder and contemplating make up all sorts of scenario she figured were incorrect. But her mind couldn't be stopped.

Tyrion was finally breaking it off with Shae. Bronn came in to escort Shae to a ship that would lead her to pentose.

'You will have a comfortable life in pentose.' Tyrion told her as shae sobbed 'Bronn will escort you to your ship.' Bronn moved to help her up but she slapped him in the face, storming out of the room Bronn looked Tyrion before following after his whore. Tessa watched as the woman stormed through the castle, tears in her eyes. She woman shot tessa a glare, as though she wasn't used to vicious glares form petty women before Bronn came marched up behind her.

'My lady.' Bronn cooed. 'gorgeous as ever.' He remarked with a wink.

"Who was that?" Tessa questioned.

"Oh shes no one." Bronn assured.

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