29. Delicate

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Guiltless/ Theon Greyjoy out now!

'Does it move or talk?' Olena sneered up at the septa as she stared down at them 'I want to speak with you alone.'

'Septa Unela has been my true friend and counselor.' Margaery told her grandmother

'This is madness.' she said standing up from the table pulling her granddaughter way the septa followed 'you are not in your sanctuary now my dear all I have to do is whistle in my men were strolling here and bash your-'

'Grandmother!' Margaery declared

'-head in until I tell them to stop.' she went on 'if I tell them to stop.' she corrected 'you could use a good bashing.'

'Grandmother please.'

'What have they done to you?' She questioned sitting down across from her.

'You marched against the high sparrow against the faith.'

'We marched for you.' she corrected. "We marched for you..." She repeated softly. 

"They want to punish my family for standing against the crown." Tessa remarked. "They want my gran to confess, they want me to confess, they want-"

"Tessa-" Jaime trapped her in his arms. "I wont let that man hurt you." 

"He already has." Tessa corrected. "By hurting my family he hurt me." she whimpered meeting his gaze with teary blurry eyes. 

Jaime didnt have the words to make it better, because she was right. 

"You ever wish we could go back to that first day we met?" Jaime questioned instead. 

"What?" Tessa rasped wiping at her eyes. 

"That first day we met, I feel head over heels for you and your smile." Jaime admitted. "You have been stuck in my head ever since... I can't imagine life without you, so as soon as we get Loras out of that cell, I'm taking you and him to casterly rock and I will treat you like a queen."

"Margie too... once she is pregnant she doesnt have to stay here." Tessa whimpered. 

"Margaery too, your gran too. Whoever you want I only ever want to make you smile and i hate that, that man stole your happiness and I couldnt bring it back sooner." Jaime declared. 

'The God's are going to punish you, Tessa and father but they didn't they showed mercy.' Margaery offered on command. 

'What of your brother what Mercy did they show him?"

'Loras only hope is to confess his crime and repent if he does the faith will allow him to return the high garden you'll have to renounce his name and title-' Margaery reiterated.

'Have you lost your mind?' Olena demanded her granddaughter.

'He will get to live with his life.''

''He Is an heir to high garden."

''He can begin again-'

''As a mindless fanatic.'

''as a freeman.' Margaery corrected.

"You think they will let Loras go?" Tessa questioned. 

"I hope so." Jaime agreed. "If not we will stand against them once more and get him out."

"Thank you Jaime. Thank you so much." tessa whimpered holding onto him. "I dont think I would have been able to survive this without you."

"You are stronger than you know." Jaime corrected. 

"I dont feel strong, I feel broken." Tessa corrected. "Cracked and fragile and oh so delicate." 

"I got your heart in my hands Tessa." Jaime whispered kissing her gently. "I promise to be gentle with it. I will never hurt you." he promised. 

"Just make it quick if you do."

'You will leave for high garden today.' Olenna told her 'there is no law that says you must stay here.'

'I am the queen.' Margaery reminded her 'it is my duty to serve my husband the king.' she came around the table kneeling before her grandmother 'but you should leave grandmother your place is at home.'

'I will never leave you  and Tessa and Loras." Olenna corrected. 

''You must.' Margaery said putting a note in her grandmother's hand very discreetly 'go home.' she begged 'find comfort in prayer and good works the mother watches over us all.' she said rising Olenna gripped the note in her hand.

'I'll see you soon my dear.' she said hugging Margaery goodbye

'Seven blessings to your grandmother she replied on command as Olenna walked out the room 'shall we pray?" she asked septa unla. Once alone Olenna opened up the note the sigil their house sigil a rose was drawn. Her margaery was still in there.

"My dear sister... I think you should go back home with Grandmother." Margaery instructed. "Pray on this, while Loras-"

"I'm not leaving." Tessa corrected. "Does she follow you everywhere?" 

"She is my friend." Margaery agreed. 

"Is she?" Tessa rasped. Margaery held tight to her hands and Tessa saw her Margaery underneath the false smiles. 

"Gran is going home to pray and meditate on the faith, maybe-"

"I'm not leaving." Tessa whispered. "Not without loras. Not without you."

"You saw Margaery?"

"Margaery wants me to go home." Tessa remarked. "To high garden." 

"What? No." Jaime begged holding onto her. "I dont want you to leave. We will handle the high sparrow. Please, I love you." 

"I told her no." Tessa assured. "I would never leave you. I love you Jaime Lannister and once Loras is free I can't wait to marry you. I just still can't believe you want me. I keep thinking I'm going to pinch myself and realize this was a beautiful dream." She kissed him gently.  

'You have worth that extends beyond what I see, or what your previous husband saw or the world sees. The question, goddess, is not why I would be interested in you, why I love you and can't wait to marry you but why you would want me. Before you I was nothing but with you I am complete.'

'Did you just call me goddess?'

'Yes.' Jaime confirmed and Tessa couldn't believe her ears. 

"Smooth talker."

"Yes. I can't wait to call you mine, Tessa... Lannister."

Delicate // Jaime LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now