Chapter Two

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Wait...where's the pain going? It's not supposed to-
He jolted awake, panicking.
He looked down to see the very hurt looking body of...who? The one that. Helped him.
"No No No Nonononono- sir? sir!"
He went to shake him awake, but as he did the body rolled over onto its back.
His whole face was gone, obliterated. He started panicking, but then realized something.
He took the blunt of the blow, but... why is he himself not in pain anymore?
The explosion has got to have effected him some... right?
It was a fucking grenade, He should also be dead.
He had a sickening realization. Why the fuck does his gunshot wound not hurt anymore?
He was too scared to look. He took it up to probably being shock. It seemed he was out for a while, because there was no longer an attack happening.
He still cautiously stood up, stumbling, realizing he was still in some pain but not much. He looked around, seeing really no-one. No-one living, that is.
Until he saw some tents far away. He couldn't tell if it were American ones, or if it was the Brits. He didn't know whether or not the battle was lost. He couldn't see anyone really around.
He went to move the hair sticking to his face out of the way- wait why is his hair stuck to his face? He moved the hair, and Immediately pain shoots through his whole face.
He cursed loudly, taking his knife out to look at his face in the fogged reflection.

 Wow. Ok, the bomb did get him. Burned his right eye, a third of his face.
He figured shock just, prevented it from hurting.
Removing most of his hair from it reopened it a bit and it started bleeding again. "Shit."
He continued walking towards the tents in the distance. It felt so far away.
He felt like the exhaustion and bloodloss was finally getting to him.
He knew he wouldn't be able to walk fully to the tents, and did the only thing he could think of. "HELLO?! ANYONE THERE??"
He yelled, hearing the coarseness in his voice. He heard something in the distance, and a figure came out of one of the tents. It looked like an American from here. Thank god.
He stumbled, mustering up more energy,
The figure seemed to panic, and went back inside the tent.
No, come back. That caused a turmoil in him, as he started to breakdown.
"Nononono come back, please. I'm going to die, please-" He was crying at this point.
He then had a realization: he was wanting to die at the start of this, was hoping someone would kill him. He still hoped that. Why was he trying to live? He doesn't deserve to and doesn't want to live in this shitty world anymore. Everyone has hated him so far, and the only person that seemed to care sacrificed himself to save him. He shouldn't have survived.
His vision blurred, a mixture of the tears and the exhaustion. He looked back up, to see a group of people re-exiting the tent, coming straight for him.
Are they going to kill him? Or are they going to help him? He feels weird, something's off. The pain is fading, why is it fading?
He never got to answer that question, because he passed out, falling into the arms of one of people in the group.
"Shit, get him inside! He's bleeding!"


Reo felt like he was floating for a second, then immediately jerked up out of the bed.
Bed? How'd he get into a bed, he was just-

Oh. He survived.

He felt something on his head. He reached up to feel it. Bandages. He goes to check his shoulder for a bandage only to learn that
1. he's shirtless
2. there's no gun wound, just a faint mark
How long had he been out?

"OH, good! You're awake! How much do you remember?" A nurse appeared out of seemingly nowhere.
He paused for a moment, thinking. "I... was behind a rock, got shot in the shoulder. I think, I swear I was but its no longer there. A man came, and tended to me. I don't know who he was but he dressed the wound. He was a good man.."
She gave a pointed look at him, for him to elaborate.
"One of the brits threw a grenade at us. He jumped in front of me to... protect me."
"...I' sorry. How did you survive?"
"No clue, I woke up and saw his body. I then managed to get up, and started walking. I thought I wasn't badly injured until I removed my hair from my face. It started bleeding, and then I saw the tents in the distance. I just walked toward them until I was of earshot."
She was taking notes, shooting glances to the bandage on my head, looking at me like she didn't believe me.
"How long was I out?" "Just a day, sir."
His heart dropped, confusion written allover his face, "..What? Then how am I already basically healed up?"
She looked up at him, with a bittersweet undertone,
"That's what we're trying to figure out sir."
He looked out into space for a second, "When can I go home?"
"We're not sure, you're healing exceptionally but it's also impossible to heal that quickly."
He looked puzzled. "I just want to go home." That's a lie. He doesn't like where this whole situation is going and is feeling like he's going to be captured and tortured as an experiment. She heavily sighed,
"Fine. Your case is miraculous, but can also get you killed. Maybe god just.. really loved you. I can let you go, let me just.." she came closer and started to remove the bandage from his head, "..redress you." He breathed a sigh of relief, and let her do her thing.
She lightly gasped, looking in disbelief.
"Nothing." She quickly redressed it, glancing around.
Afterwards, before turning to him and whispering something that chilled him to his bones.
"It's already almost completely healed over."
He looked at her in shock, and she quickly started grabbing something from a closet, before coming back and handing it to him,
"Fresh clothes. Let's get you out of here. We don't want people to think you're a demon, especially with that hair of yours."
"Hey wai-"
"Personally I think the hair looks cool, how'd you get it to be like that?"
He gulped, "I was born with it."
She looked up from what she was doing. "Really? You're full of wonders." She went back to what looked like...writing a letter?
He read some of it and realized it was a letter of recommendation to no longer have him enlisted in the military. (author note: ik thats not how it works shhh its fine)
How much power does this woman have? Because that's amazing. She brought him out of his thoughts, "We're going to be leaving soon. Do you have any personal items back at the military base that are important?" He thought for a moment, "Hm...No, not really." He never really did. No parents, no people that cared for him really. He didn't have much back there. "Ok, good. I'll take you home. Where is home?"

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