Thorin #1

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Name: Aries

Your POV

Five years had passed since the Battle of the Five Armies.  You and Thorin were happily married but there were no children in the picture yet.  You both wanted to have at least one child but it seemed that you just weren't compatible.  Fili and Kili still behaved like little boys, playing pranks on the members of the High Dwarf Council and driving Thorin up the wall.  You didn't really see much of him anymore, you found the Council meetings boring and therefore opted to not attend them.  Thorin was always gone when you woke up in the morning and you could never stay awake long enough to see him come back.  You hardly even caught a glimpse of him in the halls during the day!  

You woke up alone this morning with a warm spot next to you, Thorin had gotten up recently and the sun had not yet risen.  Your brow furrowed.  You never woke up this early!  Oh well, at least you'll be able to see Thorin off before he goes to the meeting today.  Overjoyed, you hopped right out of bed and were overcome with a wave of nausea.  You doubled over, clutching your stomach and made a run for the bathroom.  You got there right as Thorin was coming out and ran smack into him before throwing up on the floor.

"Woah, Aries!" He rushed to your side, "Are you alright?"

"What does it look like?" You asked dryly before vomiting again.

"It looks to me like you need to go to the healers."

"I will."

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"I'll be fine Thorin, you have to go to the Council meeting today."  

"Aries, if you want me to stay with you, I can send Fili-"

"No.  You need to go."  You were completely adamant about that.

"Fine.  But I'm sending Dis to take care of you and to make sure you go to the healers."

"Ok.  I love you."

"I love you more." He kissed both of your cheeks at your request.  You didn't want to get him sick if you had some infectious disease.

As promised, Dis showed up not five minutes later.

"Right!  Let's get you to the healers."  You were half-dressed and your hair was a disaster.

"Dis!  As queen of Erebor, I am in no state to go anywhere!"

"Oh." Was her only answer when she saw you, "I'll just get a servant to clean that up for you."  She left the room.  Shaking your head to yourself, you continued lacing up your dress before grabbing a brush and attacking your long, black hair.  You were sitting on the bed when she came back with a servant in tow.

"Clean that up and then you're dismissed."  The servant got to work and she joined you.

"Give that here.""I can do it Dis."

"Nonsense, you're sick and I have said so."  Sighing, you handed the brush over to her.

"So, I was thinking we could go shopping today, it's been ages since we left Erebor and Dale just got a new shipment of goods."

"Nope.  You're going to the healers."

"I ment after they're done with me."

"Alright, I'll think about it and it depends on what's wrong with you."

"Nothing's wrong with me!" I laughed, "I just ate something bad yesterday."

"You sure that's all it is?"

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