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"Yeah I agree" Added Mindy Quickly.

 "Which brings us to our current suspect: Ethan Landry" Stated Rose and everyone looked at her. "The shy and dorky which no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky" Rose quickly explained.

 "Oh- Why am I on the suspect list? Because Im randomly Chad's roommate?" Asked Ethan nervously.

 "Roommate lottery can be jacked" Spat Rose crossing her arms. "You could have fixed it to be next to us." She added, Ethan rolled his eyes in response

"Quinn the slutty roommate" Started Mindy. "The horror movie classic" She gave a chef kiss.

 "Sex positive. Thank you?" She quickly replied and Rose chuckled a bit. 

Mindy nodded. "How did you come to live with Sam, Rose, and Tara?" Asked Mindy.

 "I answered their ad online," Said Quinn turning her head to meet Sam's eyes. Sam nodded in agreement.

 "Okay! Say no more! You already implicated yourself enough!" Yelled Mindy. 

"It was an anonymous ad Mindy" Tara defended her roommate. "Plus her dad is a cop!" Tara continued.

 "And that makes it more likely that she's a killer plus having a cop dad is a great cover! Don't you remember how these movies work Tara!" Mindy yelled in response. 

"And If Quinn Is a suspect so is Detective Bailey. It is a classic move!" Added Rose quickly. "They always like this?" Asked Quinn.

"And finally Anika" Started Mindy, Anika blew Mindy a kiss and she blew one back.

 " Never trust the love interest" Mindy finished, Anika's smile added away. 

"True experienced that one before" Added Rose .

 "Okay so we have our rules and we have our suspects." Said Sam trying to calm the situation.

 "Wait Wait Wait What about you guys?" Asked Ethan.

 "I mean it's pretty obvious to rule out the five of us" Snapped Back Mindy crossing her arms.

 "Agreed" Smiled Chad. 

"Not Agreed. I mean what if all the trauma you went through, caused one of you or more to snap?" Suggested Quinn. Rose's eyes widen. Sam glared at her.  

"Yeah, What if the thing that you got from the killings made you thirsty for more? I mean to be honest here are some of the theories online about Sam are.." Explained Ethan

 "Don't you fucking dare" He Warned Rose not to even finish his sentence. "Jeez" Ethan mumbled.

 "She's right tho, though I mean face facts. If we are all suspects then all of you are" Added, Anika. Mindy glared at her.

 "I mean Rose and Sam.." Added Ethan quietly.

 "What?" Asked Rose 

"Yeah like the Trauma Amber did to you with cutting your hand or whatever made you snap and then Liv's death" suggested Ehan. Rose felt like crying. She felt tears in her eyes.

 "Let's face facts here. You are the killer and you want to get revenge-" Started Ethan. 

"Fuck you Ethan" Whispered Rose, grabbing her bag off the bench, the group started at the girl. Everyone was quiet, all eyes on Ethan. 

She walked away from the group all she heard was arguing, shouting. Sam, Mindy and Chad were scolding Ethan for what he said, while he was defending himself.

 Rose heard footsteps behind her, She felt someone's hand on her shoulder. turning around she saw Tara. "I'm sorry" She quickly said pulling her into a hug. Rose hugged her back as she cried. 

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