core 5

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Tara, Chad, and Rose were cooking in the kitchen. Music playing in the background, mostly Taylor Swift. The trio was having their moment.

" I think you should get out of the city," said Tara quickly looking up at Chad, Rose knew they had something going on."Considering what happened to you last time" reminded Tara.

 Rose took out the oil from the cupboard, and splashed it on the pan, smiling to herself as she listened

 "It is very thoughtful of you," Said Chad. "But I don't think I'm going anywhere" He replied smiling.

 "Ble ble" Mindy cut in making gaging noises, as she lined up the plates on the table.

 "Yeah, can you just make out already!" Yelled Rose stringing the pot of sauce, smiling and giggling

"Oh my god, can't you be more inappropriate!" Yelled Chad. 

"Come on all I'm saying-" Rose laughed. Sam retired with pillows for Anika to sleep with. Anika smiled. 

"Sam we do not have to stay here," Mindy said putting away the dirty dished. "Well, I insist" Replied Sam leaning on the door frame.

"It will be so fun a little slumber party with the core 5!" Chad said with joy. 

"Core 5?" Asked Rose while giggling.

 "Did you just give us a nickname?" Asked Tara.

 "I mean we have been through a lot together. And it's a pretty cool nickname" Chad explained smiling, he was clearly serious about the nickname

 "That's debatable" Mindy replied as she leaned on the counter. 

"It's extremely debatable" Rose added walking over to the Meeks-Martin girl and cracked her fingers

"We can't just give ourself's a nickname dingus" Mindy smiled. 

 "I can because I just did!" Chad yelled. 

"That doesn't work like that-" Rose laughed putting her hand on her face

"I don't care! Core 5 up top!" He yelled in excitement and put his hand up for Mindy to high-five. "No" Mindy replied.

 He turned to face Rose with his hand in the air. "Not going to happen" She replied shaking her head.

 Chad turned to Tara. "Get that away from me" She quickly said.

 "Please to the love of god," He said turning to Sam, she smiled. "Don't do it!" Rose warned Laughing. 

"You know I would like more respect," He said and all of them laughed. 

"Guys!" Yelled Anika, turning the TV volume up. They all ran to her. 

"The prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter." The man on the TV said. Rose turned to look at Sam. Sam grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, going to sit at the table.

 Tara went and sat next to her. Tara started to talk to her. Mindy and Rose looked at each other. "It just sucks being this hated." She said crying. 

"Hey Hey!" Said Chad walking to the table with Mindy and Rose behind him "Just a reminder not a single person in this room hates you." He said as he, Mindy, and Rose sat down at the table.

 "We all have been through some fucked up shit and we are coping with it differently." He continued.  'We are a team." He finished. 

They all smiled, and Sam took Rose's hands and squeezed them.

 "We are the core fucking five" Mindy whispered and They laughed. 

"Thank you fucking much!" Said Chad and they high-fived. 

"Ew Ew!" Rose commented.

 "Oh come on! Rose say it" Mindy encouraged. "No fuck you!" She replied. "Please," Chad begged his friend. Rose laughed.

 "I and Rose are dating," Sam said bluntly.  They all stopped laughing. Mindy looked at Rose with big eyes. They all went quiet.

 "Yeah!" Yelled Mindy as she hugged Rose.

 "I fucking knew it" Cheered Tara.

 "Fuck I knew you two had something going on!" Yelled Chad. 

"We're dating for 3 months" Rose added. Mindy hit her. "You didn't tell me!" Mindy said. They were laughing and talking.

 "I think we should high-five or something," Rose said smiling.

 "The core 5 high-five" Chad smiled raising his hand "Don't call it that," Tara said. They all brought their hands up.

 She heard a call, It was Danny, I friend of Sam's. "Sam Danny is calling!" She smiled. "Put it down," Mindy said snatching Rose's phone and putting it on the table. 

They heard sounds coming from Quin's  Room. Banigin and Screaming. "Oh, my god Quinn and her gentlemen are back at it again!" Tara smiled. They all laughed and their phones dinged.

 They all looked at each other checking the notification. She looked at the photo. It was Quinn getting Stabbed by Ghostface.

 They all shot up and stood up from the table. Sam grabbed Rose's hand, Mindy and Anika stood next to each other and Chad grabbed Tara. Rose is going to come face to face with this fucker. tears spilled down her cheek.

 Quinn was going to die.

Oh my god...|Scream 5&6|Where stories live. Discover now