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Immediately James sprung to the spirit box to check on it. As soon as he arrived, it turned off back to silence, which was frustrating to him. This experience was proving to be far worse than usual. He nearly threw the device to the floor, but he knew it was far too valuable to destroy recklessly. There was a ghost in this place, and it seemed to be getting a kick out of toying with him. He closed his eyes in frustration, moving to a wall to sit down. The floor greeted this action with a groan. He was going to need to change up his plan, and that would require time and thinking, which he felt was being wasted to get no results at this- A stench filled the air. It was a very powerful odor that some may not recognize at first glance, but James knew exactly what it was.

He was smelling a decayed corpse.

Immediately he was scrambling back to his feet, trying to get a hold on the smell. As much as he hated it, it was currently his best lead for finding this spirit. The smell lead him back around the rooms, all towards the generator all over again. He groaned. The room had looked so empty before. All that had been within was a damaged, seemingly useless generator. Though now he was refusing to give up, so he looked closer at the generator. Perhaps he could patch it up, at least get the lights going again. After some time of working, he got it working, flicking it on. A loud hum sounded through the building as the lights all clicked on, followed by...the grinding of metal on bones. And the extreme growth in the stench of death.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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