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LEANING AGAINST THE BRICK WALL OF THE HOUSE, Devon watched her best friend dance under the hand of the boy she'd been dating for the past eight months - Calum Hood. The senior captain of the football team held an annual New Year's Eve party, and Devon had managed to buy an excuse out of it every year; tonight was her first year attending.

She watched her best friend lean in towards the boy's ear, before he grabbed her hand and they headed back into the house.

Devon frowned, not yet feeling comfortable enough to leave the stable support of the wall behind her back. Her head was spinning hysterically and the loud music drowned even her own thoughts.

"Hey, Dev," a voice said, a tall figure taking space beside her.

Devon sighed, "Luke," she nodded.

"You know Devon," Luke said, standing directly ahead of her and pointing a drunken figure in her direction. "We don't talk a lot," he frowned. "You're in my history class and we have the same group of friends but you never really talk to me."

Devon laughed, "Oh, it's nothing personal."

"I'm really starting to think it might be, you know," he smirked.

It was true, Devon didn't really talk to Luke regardless of the fact they saw each other everyday. As a result of her best friend dating his best friend, they ended up hanging out with the same large group of people.

"We have great conversations in our lessons, Devon; I'm just trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong here."

"You're doing nothing wrong," Devon shrugged. "Just because Calum and Scarlett are dating does not give you a free pass to become my best pal, too."

Luke raised his brow and took a swig of his drink. "Fierce," he said, drunkenly throwing her a wink.

Devon winked back and replied, "It's my best trait."

"Do you want to get a drink?"


Back in the kitchen, Devon and Luke had gone beyond the point of simply getting a drink, and instead were at the second stage of playing each other at beer pong.

"I think we should do it with vodka," Luke suggested, his words slowing as he thought.

Devon scrunched her face. "No way, the loser should do the vodka,"

"Bring it," Luke said, giving her a fist bump across the table.

Devon hitched her dress higher up her chest, before she picked up the ball and tossed it straight into one of Luke's cups. "Drink up, boy," she winked.

"I'm too drunk to be good at this game," Luke groaned, tilting his cup so that the drink spilled down his chin.

"The drunker the better, right?" she grinned in reply. "Get on with it, or have you already given up?"


Slouched on the sofa with his arm draped across her shoulder, Luke brought himself closer to her ear as he said, "I actually think you're really hot, Dev."

Devon pulled away, looking at him for a moment before saying, "The New Year's countdown starts in a second." She nodded her head at him before getting up and joining the crowd.

Luke sat up and watched her walk up towards her best friend. He was slightly confused, although truthfully he did want to get his dick wet, he had been working for this girl all night, and honestly, he enjoyed it. He waited a moment as he thought what to do, when she turned back around to catch his eye. She held the gaze for a second or two, before the people around her began to chant, and she looked away again. As soon as the voices around him yelled the number five, he leapt out of his seat, stumbling slightly as he made his way towards her.

He caught her smile as fireworks began to erupt outside, and how she frowned as she looked towards the empty seat to where he was previously sat at. Pulling her aside, he made her jump as he grabbed and pushed her so that she was leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Happy New Year," Luke grinned.

His hand found contact with her cheek as he pulled her forwards, lips pressing against hers as his free hand trailed down her side and settled comfortably on her waist. Luke subconsciously pulled her forwards as his tongue ran along her lower lip; Devon found herself gripping tightly at his t-shirt as they kissed passionately. She parted her mouth slightly and felt Luke's grip around her tighten, before she pulled away and looked up at him.

"Hey," he said slightly breathless. "C'mon,"

"Luke," she began, brushing her hair out of her eyes. Devon knew what Luke was like. He had broken up with his girlfriend over a year ago and hadn't managed to hold a girl down since - and he loved the freedom of it.

Devon knew exactly where this was headed, but as his lips attached themselves to hers again, she couldn't find herself putting a stop to it. "Do you want to take this somewhere else?" He breathed, lips still on hers.

She could stop this right now. Although she was drunk, she knew what she was doing. But it had just hit the New Year and Devon was enjoying herself far too much to say no now. "Uhuh," she mumbled against his lips.

Luke pulled away immediately, grabbing her hand and pulling her through the crowd of people. He navigated himself easily through Calum's house, upstairs and down the hallway to a bedroom at the back of the house. Her back hit the door as quickly as Luke shut it, his lips harshly meeting hers as he played with the zipper on her dress.

"Fück," he mumbled as her lips pressed themselves against the spot below his jaw. He tilted her chin back up to meet his lips again as he walked her back towards the bed. Her hands fumbled down his chest and to the buckle of the belt on his jeans and he exhaled heavily, reaching for the packet in his back pocket before he pushed the denim down his legs and to the floor. He guided her back onto the bed, his single hand swiftly unclasping her bra and throwing it down somewhere across the room. He let her shaky hands play with the waistband of his boxers for a moment, before he placed his larger hand on top of hers, prompting her to pull them lower.

"Luke," she said again in a hushed tone.

"Ok, yeah, we're -" he began, his hand reached for her underwear and he felt her squirm slightly as she lay completely bare beneath him. He tore open the packet with his teeth and spat remainder of the packet out of his mouth, down the side of the bed. He watched her for a few seconds; her eyes were closed and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. "Are you good?" he asked, waiting for her reply as he connected his lips again to hers.


This is a story of fuckboy/asshole Luke aka my fave (even tho he is a cute little gentleman irl ok i know just let me live.)


Ok basically this is the first chapter so I didn't write the smut because a) I don't know it people want it and b) if they don't I don't want to scare them off. (If people so want it I can add it in at a later date) BUT there will be more smut later in the story, obviously. Also because there is no smut the ending is pretty shit but I NEEDED something in there cause the whole story basically revolves around a one night stand ya feel.

Anyway if haven't, I recommend you go and listen to the song Don't You Go by All Time Low! It's basically the inspiration to this story and you'll sorta be able to tell where this story is headed.


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