only the beginning

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you were running

you didn't know what from

all you was that you were being chased by



you could feel your heart pounding in your
chest and it hurt

but with sharp painful breaths

you continued running

until your body gave up

you collapsed

your eyes widening with fear, you turn around

you woke up to you mother screaming your name from downstairs

sure enough you turn to you left noticing the loud blaring alarm next to you and you scurry out of bed to turn it off, you held you head as you noticed the unbearable headache you had even so you went to you closet and picked out a decent outfit

you lazaly ran down the steps where you met your mother who hurriedly kissed you on the cheek and ran twords the door "I'll be getting home late tonight order whatever you want for dinner, there's some money on the table" and before you could say goodbye she was already gone

I felt hungry and headed twords the kitchen where I saw my friend eva already downing a bowl of cereal
"when did you get here??" I asked surprised to see her
"spare key"
she spoke muffled by the cereal, I made myself a bowl and we sat in silence to focused on getting are food down to speak

until the silence was broken by eva

"remember that old run down house we used to play in" she said

"barely" I blurted

"well I was wondering if we could go there again,I kinda miss it"

"I don't, that place was spooky"

silence fell over us again as I continued with what was left of my cereal

"pleeeease" she said in the most annoying voice as she leaned over falling onto my shoulder

"I mean I'm not necessarily against it, I guess we could check it out"

before I could say another word eva was already attempting to drag me through the door

"ok, ok I get it, let me get my shoes on PLEASE" I begged

she impatiently waiting at the door as I slipped my feet into my shoes and once I was done she grabbed my hand and rushed me out the door it was only when reached the entrance of the Woods that she slowed down

"Do you even remember how to get there?" I said out of breath due to the unexpected running

"I think so I remember following a trail an then seeing a tree with something painted on it and following that" she spoke as she was already walking into the woods

"That sounds about right" I huffed still out of breath as I too started walking beside her, trusting her instincts on where to go

After awhile we got to a tree with the same strange marking eva was talking about

It was circle with an x going thru is, not like I got much of a look at it tho as I noticed eva was already ahead of me going off trail


i hurriedly jogged in her direction and sure enough there it was

We examined the outside before heading in and checking it outThere wasn't much going on ground level a couple of small animals, some trash and some furniture that I assume was left by the previous owner

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We examined the outside before heading in and checking it out
There wasn't much going on ground level a couple of small animals, some trash and some furniture that I assume was left by the previous owner

I decided to be brave and go upstairs first due to eva being scared the floor would collapse, of course when I made I to the top safe and sound she ran up to explore some more

"Anything interesting over there eva? I asked

"Not really I found som-" eva couldn't finish her sentence due to being interrupted by a load bang behind us

(Hey it's the author here, apologies for this being so short, there will be another chapter out soon, have a wonderful day/night 🌚)

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