now I'm alone

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Unnervingly I saw I familiar face

"Oh.. your a-awake" said toby

He was so calm, it was..... interesting
Suddenly I remembered what I was doing before all of this
I marched twords toby and firmly grabbed his shoulders

"Where is Eva." I stated, at this point her safety was all that was on my mind seeing her again was now my top priority

"I-i don't know w-ho that is!" He said shifting uncomfortably

"The girl I was with when we met, the one you threw into a wall." I said, slightly irritated by the last part

"I don't kn-know I swear! Slender j-just told me to get you"

"Who is slender?" I asked, finally letting him go from my grip

"f-finally" he muttered
"Slender is my n-not so nice boss, he wants to see you it's best we don't keep him w-waiting"

"..oh..ok ...sorry about your shoulders.."

Toby lead me down the hall twords a set of stairs
"It's f-fine I can't feel it a-anyway"
He walked up the steps with me following closely behind

"We're g-going up to the third story, slender's office is the f-first door on t-the right you should re-remember that, it's important" he spoke softer than before speaking of which, he seems so..calm? Nice even? he's acting a lot different from when we first met considering he tried to kill me

I was snapped out of my thoughts when toby knocked on the first door, closest to the stairs

"...Come in..." I heard a deep voice from inside say

Toby glanced at me before opening the door "good luck" was all I heard before he lightly pushed me inside the office and shut the door

I then stare at the figure sitting at the desk Infront of me, it was the man from the woods but now I could see him better in the dim lighting I now see that the man was infact faceless, his name didn't lie either although the majority of his body was covered by the dark wood desk, I could still see his slender figure

He spoke up

"Hello. my name is Slenderman but you may call me slender.."

I didn't speak, my mind was worrying about other things right now like was this real? Is Eva safe? Has my mom noticed I'm missing yet? And how is he talking without a mouth!?

"Not much of a talker are you? That's just fine I prefer proxy's that just listen anyway" he said and somehow he seemed to be staring at me although he has no eyes

"I won't waste your time much longer, you've already had such a.... eventful day, anyhow I must say I quite impressed you managed to apprehend one of my best proxy's and for that I have decided to spare your life.."

He paused before speaking yet again

"You will now work under me, I'll give you the details of what that entails when the time comes not like you have much of a choice anyway, for now get used to this place and the people in it because this will now be your place of residence for a long...long time"

He held where the bridge of his nose would be with his thumb and index finger and sighed

"Toby....I know your listening to our conversation.." he said with a hint of irritation in his voice

Sure anough the door cracked open and Toby's head peeked out

"Mmsorry boss.." he said not making eye contact with me or slender but instead looking at the ground shamefully

you shouldn't be here (ticci toby x reader)Where stories live. Discover now