the masked man

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I quickly walk twords eva who's standing next to the broken window, I look outside and sure enough there's another man

This guy was a lot taller and had a creepy white mask with black lipstick on it

the masked man yelled

I turned twords the tied up boy

"Is that your name?"
I spoke as calmly as possible even tho my stress was rising at an alarming rate

He slowly nodded still staring daggers at me
I looked back at the window but to my surprise nobody was there

I heard footsteps downstairs.


he's inside the building with us

My eyes widen with fear as I realize the situation I'm in

Eva makes the first move quickly latching on to the same pipe I used to climb onto the roof
And slides down it till she reaches the ground

She looks up at me waiting for me to come down too
before I do I take one last look at toby

He was no longer looking at me,
Instead staring at the ground as if contemplating something

I heard the masked man walking up the stairs and i figured that it was time to leave

Sliding down the pipe I met up with eva
Who grabbed my wrist leading me away from the old house and running as fast as we could until we reached the trail again

We paused caching our breath, and I felt I hand on my shoulder

It was eva, she looked as if she was on the verge of tears

"L- let's keep going...please"

Grabbing my hand we continued running till we reached my house
by this point it was already passed noon and my mother was still at work

And Because eva was to scared to drive home
And I didn't want to be alone right now

We decided to have a sleepover

Eva walked up to my room to set up a spare sleeping bag we found in my closet
And I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower

When I was finished I walk up to my room to set eva sitting on my bed watching something on my laptop

I bellyflop onto the bed beside her and take a look at what she's watching

To my surprise she wasn't watching anything
But she was scrolling through a news article about recent disappearance's in the area

"How haven't we heard of these, I watch the news every morning and they never even mention anything about missing people!?" Eva spoke, agitated

"Hey, how about we watch a movie instead, y'know to get our minds of all this"

"Alright" eva mumbled

(Time skip cause I'm lazy lol)

A couple of days had gone past since we went to the woods, and it was all I could think about

I heard the doorbell ring, I ran downstairs to open the door and I saw eva

"Hey y/n, mind if I come in" she said, looking a little out of it

"Sure, make yourself at home"

She walked passed me and slumped onto the couch switching thru the channel's on TV

"Hey uhmm y/n, can I ask you something"


"I was wondering if we could go back to the old house"

"I was wondering if we could go back to the old house"

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Art not by me^^

(Writing a proper story that doesn't suck is a lot harder then I thought lmao, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter )

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