004- Magazine

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Near, Mello, Java and Echo sat in silence after L's announcement. Patient, they were waiting for 'Watari' to knock the door and give them the tapes L had been talking about, as well as the written reports.

"He said that he prepared some 'highlights' of the surveliance footage. Could he possibly be..."

Mello pondered, voice not faltering the slightest bit. Echo turned to him and flashed a smile.

"Suspecting a specific person from these households he had put under surveliance?"

She completed his sentence. Near joined in the conversation after Echo's remark.

"That's obvious. Otherwise he would've been well over the footage, but clearly, he is doubting something..."

Java streched in her seat, surfing through TV channels. Not bothering to move her eyes off of the TV screen she conspired over Near's thesis.

"Sure, that could be the case. Maybe there is suspicious activity in the households. But keep in mind, it's L we are dealing with. For all we know, he could be fucking with us and just labeling it as a test or whatever."

"He is L, he must have a reason to say this. Regardless of the context, he must have a reason to present us those clips."

Mello pushed, almost offened. It was more like he was trying to convince himself. Java snorted, but in order to avoid conflict, simply turned her attention somewhere else. The 'somewhere else' being the tv show currently playing, which she barely understood.

Echo positioned herself back towards Near after observing the small interaction, feeling grateful that Java didn't make fun of Mello because if she did things would've gotten messy, and they began doing the puzzle. Again.

"You know, I think we glazed over a fact..."

She said, then raising her head up. Directly making eye contact with Near, she carried on.

"Who are these households? How did L narrow the possible suspect list to two households, anyway?Do you have theories?"

Near stopped for a second.

"The current provided knowledge isn't enough for any theories, at least for ones that make sense. What I can tell you would be a mere guess, Echo."

"Open for anything, go ahead."

The white haired boy, pushed the puzzle away at last. His hands went into his pocket and came back with two dice. Grey eyes, a little too dead, briefly glanced over the older girl and went right back to his hand.

"I think, L most likely had a list of suspects way before working with the investagation team. He must've stumbled across those names when he actually began the investagation, or more specificly when he gathered the Task Force. So, them already being on his watchlist, he took the oppurtunity and put them under survealince."

"But you don't know how he 'stumbled across' these names again?"

Echo asked, as she watched Near throw the die in his hand and then gesture her to do the same. While speaking, he had given her one of them.

She let the die roll off her hand as she waited for Near's conformation.

"Yes. That's the case."

He said, monotone. Upon hearing this, Java chimed in.

"The Task Force is small, the group of people L is personally working with is even smaller. Based off of that, you'd be implying L is suspicious of someone from The Task Force. After all, you did say L came across the names when he actually began working with the Force."

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