29 - Jules

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"I'm so happy we got to come here," I say as I take a sip of my drink.

"Me too," Tessa agrees. "It's one of my favourite places to eat in the desert."

The Pink Cabana in Indian Wells emanates elegance and sophistication in every detail. The ambiance is set by the intoxicating scent of fresh flowers, expertly arranged in tall vases scattered throughout the room, and the pink and green decor makes it look like a paradise from the moment you walk in. Tessa and I are sitting at a small, intimate table in the corner of the restaurant. The sun is shining but the patio is shaded by tall palm trees that sway in the breeze.

We peruse the menu, making small talk about the delicious options. After we order, I can't help but fidget with my napkin, feeling nervous. Luke is spending the day on the golf course with the guys so Tessa and I decided to make a day of it ourselves and come for a fancy lunch in town.

I hope I can enjoy myself and focus on getting to know Tessa better, but I'm worried that all my worries will get in the way. I was able to push them from my mind briefly while Tessa joined me in the guesthouse to get ready for lunch, but as we sit in silence while we read the menus, my psyche is clobbered once again with a strong bout of anxiety.

Tessa notices the shift in my mood and asks, "Jules, you okay?"

I hesitate for a moment before blurting out, "Gavin has feelings for me and he's been upset since he found out about me and Luke."

"Oh," Tessa says, nodding slowly. "And what do you want to do about that?"

"I don't know," I admit, "I feel bad for Gavin, but I really like Luke and I don't want to ruin things with him."

Tessa thinks for a few seconds and then leans forward. "Do you feel bad for Gavin because you like him too but you like Luke more, or do you feel bad because you don't feel the same and you don't want to have the uncomfortable conversation?"

I sigh and lean back in my chair, feeling defeated once again. "I don't want to hurt him, but I don't have the same feelings for him that he has for me. It's more than just that, though. Luke told me that Gavin was picking up on things between us and he confronted Luke about it the other night."

Tessa listens attentively, taking a sip of her drink before responding. "Well, it's good that Luke was honest with you about that. But if Gavin confronted him, it might be a good idea to talk to him sooner rather than later."

I nod in agreement, feeling grateful for Tessa's advice. "You're right. I just don't know how to start that conversation."

Tessa leans back in her seat, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Maybe you could start by telling him how much you value his friendship but that you don't see him in a romantic way, and that you hope that the two of you can continue to be friends."

I nod slowly, considering her words. "That's a good start. I just hope he can understand where I'm coming from. From what Luke was telling me, Gavin sounds very unlike himself to be completely honest with you."

I fill her in on Luke's encounter with Gavin but she admits Luke had mentioned it to her the morning after our night in the hotel. She doesn't have any additional details to share with me, but she didn't know everything.

"Gavin actually said the words 'she's mine' to Luke?" Tessa appears as appalled by that as I was.

"Yes! Isn't that a bit much—"

"Yes!" She cuts me off before I even finish and is nodding her head vigorously in agreement. "And you two have never been a thing, correct?"

"No, we haven't," I confirm.

Tessa looks surprised and shakes her head. She reaches across the table and places her hand on mine. "Just be honest with him, Jules. That's all you can do. And if he's a true friend, he'll understand. He's supposed to be a friend of Luke's too, don't forget. He should be happy for you both."

"And what if he's not?" I ask, feeling that now all too familiar sense of dread in the pit of my stomach. "What if he's angry or hurt?"

Tessa gives my hand another reassuring squeeze. "It's understandable that he might feel that way at first. But if he's a real friend, he'll eventually come around and respect your decision. Just remember, you can't control how someone else feels, only how you handle the situation."

Our food arrives, interrupting our conversation. We both take a moment to admire the beautiful presentation before digging in. The flavours explode in my mouth, each bite better than the last. The chef at the Pink Cabana is truly a master of his craft.

As we eat, I can't help but notice the other diners around us. A couple to our left is holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. A group of friends to our right is laughing and joking around.

"You know, a week ago, two weeks ago, things were so much simpler. I didn't have to deal with the complications of my own love life. I didn't have a love life to speak of."

"But then Luke," Tessa says.

I can't stop my smile. "But then Luke. Yes, you are right. It's all his fault."

"He'll be worth it, though. Trust me. Luke is the best guy."

I look up at her and am met with genuine and friendly eyes. She means it. She's happy for us.

The dread returns as my thoughts wonder why Gavin can't share her sentiment. Tessa and Luke were actually sort of an item, so if anyone should be upset by me and Luke getting together it's Tessa.

Tessa senses my mood shift because she clears her throat and says, "You know what? I have an idea."

I look up at her, curious.

"Let's make a pact," she says with a mischievous grin. "We both put aside any romantic problems for the rest of the day and focus on enjoying ourselves. No talking about Gavin or Luke or any other guys. Just us and this beautiful restaurant in this spectacular town on this glorious day with fantastic company."

I can't help but smile at her proposal. Tessa seems to always know how to lighten the mood and this is the second time this week that she's rescued me from my own mind with a fun girls day. "You're right. Let's do it. No boys allowed for the rest of the day."

We clink our glasses together in agreement and continue eating our delicious meal in peace. For the first time since Luke left me in bed this morning, I feel a sense of calm and contentment. It clearly can't hurt to take a break from thinking about my love life and focus on myself. Ground myself and remember that my romantic life is just one small part of life as a whole.

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