5 - Jules

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I'm startled awake by my phone ringing loudly on my night stand beside me. It is still pitch dark in the room, and it feels like the middle of the night. I grab my phone and the screen is so bright my eyeballs feel a sharp pain. The clock reads 5:01 a.m., and Isaac is the person calling me.

"'Lo?" I answer, groggily.

"Jules! Thank God you're awake!" Isaac shouts into the phone.

"Isaac, it's five in the morning. I wasn't awake. Is everything okay?"

"Oh, well, you're up now! I'm so glad. I need you to meet me at the gallery immediately."

Is he fucking serious?

"You need me to come down right now?" I sit up and rub my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"Oh, yes. Immediately. We are in a state of emergency! Hurry!" He ends the call without further explanation.

I groan into my pillow. What a great start to a Monday morning.

I get out of bed and dress quickly. I make a cup of coffee to take with me because even if Isaac says it is an emergency there is no way I can function this early on a Monday without caffeine. I also call an Uber to pick me up because I know it will be quicker and safer than me driving myself.

I shoot Spencer a quick text on the ride to the gallery. Early riser that he is I get a response instantaneously.

Jules: En route to gallery after horrifying 5am wake up call from Isaac. This better be good

Spencer WOW

Spencer: Please quit lol

Jules: Need to pay my bills. Not everyone is a billionaire, you know

Spencer: I will give you 1 million dollars to ditch Isaac

Jules: NO! LOL!

Spencer: Hahahaha didn't think you would go for it. Hope it's worth it then!

I'm giggling to myself as I put my phone into my purse. We pull up outside the gallery and I thank my driver. It's Monday, so the gallery won't be open to the public today, and it's before 6 a.m. so the door will definitely be locked. I am rummaging for my keys in my purse when the door flies open and Isaac yanks me inside.

"Finally, you're here! We have so much work to do." Isaac leads me through the large space toward his studio in the back. "I hope you enjoyed the weekend. We have to get the entire gallery turned over before open tomorrow."

"I thought you were going to do the turn over this weekend with Bonnie." I raise my eyebrows, confused. Bonnie is another gallery employee that Isaac hired recently.

"I was, but I changed my mind. I just don't trust her like I trust you. I know I should. But... you're just the best." Isaac smiles weakly, and then turns and strides across the room, his long black "gallery robe" flying out behind him. I always think he looks like Professor Snape, long black hair and all. Like Snape, except less threatening. "Shall I make us some tea?" Does he mean some potions? I crack myself up.

I feel anxiety bubble in my chest. "Is that why you called me in so early today?" I step out of the studio and observe the gallery. Not a single piece of work has been removed since I left on Friday after the final showing. Isaac really did leave all the work for me. I grimace as Spencer's words echo in my mind. Maybe I am just a glorified slave.

I feel all the stress from the last couple of months flood back into my mind. One weekend of freedom only acted as a bandaid. God damnit. I'm about to speak my mind to Isaac when I hear the screech of the kettle. I walk back into the studio just as Isaac pushes a warm cup of tea into my hand.

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