Fri April 14th

32 5 0

Start writing 7:03 Fri April 14th

So today is day two of having no wisdom teeth and it sucks it's healing so much faster then I had anticipated because of some subs I had found to ease the pain of it and today it's so much better still hurts but it's better at least. 😁

So I made a new book for listing my subliminals and my training it's not filled out yet because I am still recovering but when I am fully recovered then I will start to fill it out more for the training stuff right now I'm probably just going to list the subs I am using and good sub makers that I trust.

So for updates I have had more pain in the back and shoulders and sleeping on my back hurts sometimes but I have too to recover from wisdom teeth removal and life sucks atm I have had some but significantly less phantom wing movement probably because I'm miserable from the pain.

And generally I have similar results to the last update but the skin around my back is more loose now and I have decided to work on my powers now more often I will list them and the sub makers in the other book.

End writing 7:14 Fri April 14th

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