feelings one more time [????]

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It's been about a month had that talk with his mom and he really doesn't know if shit is better or worse now. Late April to mid-May has always been a prime time for baseball practice. Well, he only learned that because of Bruce, he had told Vance about two weeks ago. It had been the last time they hung out. Now, Vance had realized exactly how true that was. He knew the baseball team had also done well enough to get into the state competition, so that was adding to it. It was early May now and Vance had only seen glimpses of Bruce since then. And when he says glimpses, that's what he fucking means. The other boy had been practically eating, sleeping, and breathing baseball for the last week and a half. Going from class to class to the field for practice and not going home until eight. Then on the weekends, he'd practice some more. Even during lunch, he'd go out to the field and practice. So all Vance got in his absence was smiles when they passed in the hall and a wave if he was lucky.

Vance could at least figure that it wasn't just Bruce's excuse for avoiding him considering all of those other assholes that played baseball were the same way. But even knowing that Vance missed Bruce's presence. Yeah, he thought at times that it was suffocating because of all the crush shit but his absence made it even worse. That entire bullshit spiel that his mom talked about of "absence makes the heart grow fonder" apparently wasn't complete bullshit. Being able to hang out with Bruce had somehow been satiating his crush and making it less likely that he was going to lose his shit. And now here he is, he's been left by himself and to his thoughts and that's pissed him off more than usual. Made him more irritable too, snapping at anyone who had the gall to say some shit about him or anyone else that he actually gave a fuck about; which over the last month had begun to include Griffin's friends. Much to Vance's dismay, those little bastards had managed to worm their way into having Vance care about him. So, with his extra irritability and all these extra things that could piss him off. Well, we can all agree on one thing, it is a really fucking bad combination.

That's exactly why he's here. Oh, well what's "here"? The cold-ass, dingy, loud room where Vance is waiting to talk to the principal. It's crawling with people and there are phones ringing and flies are everywhere, and Vance just wants the hell out. You'd think that someone would make at least some fucking effort to clean it up but guess not. He's been here for the last hour, he knows the kid's fucking parents are talking, probably trying to get him expelled. Quite honestly, Vance thinks that if anyone should get expelled it should be Moose. This wasn't the first time they've fought, wasn't even the second or third time, Moose is always up to some fucking shit. Hell, Robin's fought him a couple of times too. After so many times of the same kid ending up in fights, you'd start figuring that there was a problem with him. Unfortunately for them, Moose's parents work in the school system so he's always favored, it makes Vance want to punch him even more. The damn kid thinks he's invincible cause mommy and daddy can make a few phone calls.

It pisses Vance the hell off. Moose in general just pisses him off, that kid is always shit-talking or beating up some kid who can't defend themself. This time it just so happened that while Moose was terrorizing Finney in the hallway, Vance happened to walk by. He remembers the full thing, pulling Moose away and then he just started swinging. Wasn't much to it, aside from the other boy getting a few good hits in. Moose mainly swung for the face, occasionally swinging elsewhere, like the ribs. And as much as Vance hated that fucker, he had to admit, the kid threw a solid punch. He was reminded of that everytime he had reached up to wipe away the blood from his nose. Honestly, he was pretty damn sure it was broken. They hadn't allowed him to go to the bathroom or the nurse to wash off, they had immediately sent both him and Moose to the office and ushered everyone else to their classes.

So, Vance has only gotten a glimpse of what his face had looked like in the window but from what he could see, his nose had looked crooked, definitely not like normal. Not to mention all the blood oozing out of it, not made any better by the small gash on the bridge of his nose. They had given him a tissue but it didn't last long before it was completely soaked through. Eventually, they had just thrown the box of tissues at him and told him to make due. He really didn't see how that was any fucking easier than just letting him go to the nurse or to the bathroom or anywhere other than sitting in the office just letting it bleed. Then again, that's just how school fucking is.

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