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It takes Bruce at least ten minutes to just finish cleaning the blood off of Vance's nose. He just knew when he walked in that it had to be one hell of a fight if there was that much blood. So, it made Bruce wince once he finished and saw the crooked angle of the blonde boy's nose. There was an ugly purple bruise forming on it.

"Christ, Vance. I'm pretty sure it's broken."

The other boy rolls his eyes and huffs out a small laugh, followed by a small wince.

"Never would of fucking guessed."

From anyone else, Bruce might've taken that as a rude response but he just knew it was Vance's way of talking. He had also picked up on the fact that if it hadn't been him who said, there would've been something much meaner in response. Anytime Bruce thought about that it always put a smile on his face because he took it as a sign that Vance likes him. Maybe not in the way Bruce wants but he'll take anything. Although this time, it didn't really put a smile on his face, he was too worried about Vance. He did another once over of Vance's face, trying to assess the damage. There's another bruise forming on his cheek and a cut on his nose. How do you punch someone so hard that it cuts them? It wouldn't be any normal fist, or at least he hopes not. So, maybe it was caused by rings? He tries to think of anyone who wore one, he could think of quite a few and eventually narrowed it down to one. The only one who'd have the guts to swing at Vance. That asshole, Moose.

"It was Moose wasn't it?"

Vance's eyes widened ever so slightly, it probably wouldn't even be noticeable to anyone else but Bruce anyways. And that was all the confirmation Bruce needed, he could feel quiet anger rising in him.

"It was. How'd you know?"

"Simple. You've got a cut on your nose, he wears rings and he's an asshole."

Vance tilts his head to the side, his eyes were studying Bruce. And for once, Bruce didn't really feel self-conscious about the eyes on him. Vance didn't make him feel judged and he liked that, he liked it a lot. And just as Vance starts speaking, reality hits Bruce like a freight train. What the hell is he doing? Vance's nose is broken, he needs to get him to the nurse or someone who can set it. He's seen his dad do it a thousand times but he doesn't trust himself yet.

"Sorry to cut you off but you need to go to the nurse."

Vance rolls his eyes.

"I'll be fine, I just gotta get it back in place."

The other boy looks in the mirror and reaches a scarred hand up to his face.

"Not a chance in the world, Hopper."

And with that, Bruce grabbed onto Vance's arm and all but drug him out of the bathroom. The halls were relatively clear now, most people were already in class. The few stragglers looked at the odd pair but one look from Vance and they started minding their own business pretty quick. It had been a while since Bruce had been in the nurse's office. Last time was about a year ago, they were practicing and he was sliding into home base and landed on his ankle wrong, it had only been a fracture but he hated having to sit out for the next few weeks. The nurse had at least been helpful until his dad got there. She had been a nurse in a hospital for years before she came here. So, Bruce figured that she probably knew how to set a nose.

They were coming from the second floor bathroom and the nurse's office was on the first floor. Bruce hadn't even realized that he was pulling Vance along so quick that the other boy had almost fallen down the stairs until he said something.

"Shit man, is it really so damn important that you gotta pull me down the stairs?"

Bruce turned long enough to give a sheepish grin but responded with a yes and continues to pull him down the hall until they got to the nurse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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