\ Chapter 13 /

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Pamela found herself walking through the same halls she had when she decided enough was enough. The day she truly hoped to whatever higher power there was that Colby hadn't left and remained in the same apartment she'd always known. The day she managed to bring him into their lives again.

She knocked on his door diligently after getting the sense that he was straight-up ignoring her phone calls. When the door opened, it almost seemed like it was on its own because Colby was quick to move away from it and do whatever he had been beforehand.

"Hello to you too." Pamela called out from the front door as he disappeared. She promptly closed the door and followed the plethora of noises coming from his room.

"I should've never come back." Colby shook his head as he shoved clothes into his bag. "I should've left for good."

He spared Pamela an apologetic look before continuing to move at a rapid and disorganized pace. "This time, that's what I'm doing."

"Except you're not." Pamela replied nonchalantly, and Colby paused to see her leaning against the doorframe.

"I've seen how you've been about her. With her. Being the one to carry her home last night? Staying the night with her? Nobody asked you to be the one to do that." She continued, hoping to reach him while trying not to show any signs of panic. "You may leave town, but it'd be all you think about after."

Pamela shrugged knowingly. "It would drive you so crazy you'd come back. I mean, isn't that why you're here now?"

"Listen, Pam, you've all created a new life. I don't fit in." He followed up weakly, running out of excuses to make. "It's my fault. But I'm no use to you."

"If you think this is the part where I sit here and beg you to stay and kiss your ass, it's not." She stood up straight, preparing to leave if need be. "Things are different now. We managed when you left, and we'll manage again."

A part of the last sentence brought a small smile to his lips. "You sound like the others. You've been hanging around them too much."

She allowed herself to be vulnerable with him for one moment. "But I'll miss you just the same."

It was the first time someone had properly told Colby they were glad he was in their life, that he had impacted it, that he did matter to them. It was enough to cause his throat to tighten if he thought about it too much.

"I missed you too." He smiled at her genuinely. "You should be proud of yourself. You've done a lot to hold everything together."

Without warning, Pamela rushed towards him and enveloped him in a hug. Colby took a moment to savour it, not knowing if he'd ever get it again, and he whispered into her hair. "And I'm to blame for a lot of it. I'm sorry."

"No, that's not fair." He felt her shake her head before she let go. "She's just as to blame."

Colby sighed and shook his head. "You're right. I can't leave."

Colby looked at the bag of clothes he spontaneously started to pack. "I owe you. I owe her."

Pamela's smile was almost tearful as she felt immediate relief. "Thank you."

"Want a drink?" Colby asked as he gestured out of his now messy room.

Pamela nodded and started to move out of his room. "Sure."

He reached into the cupboards and fixed Pamela what she wanted, sliding her the glass and then speaking as a thought reached his mind. "Also... who the fuck is Fergal?"

"Oh, so this is what this is all really about?" Pamela laughed as she took a sip. "Is someone jealous?"

"What?" Colby laughed dismissively. "No."

"Don't worry." Pamela grinned, "I think you're still in the clear for the time being."

Then she recalled some information Colby might've wanted to know. "You better play your cards right though... pretty sure he's been trying to get into her pants for a while now. Although I don't really think she's all that interested."

He just stared at her, unsure whether he wanted to go down this road or not. "How long?"

Pamela thought to herself for a moment. "Mmm... about two years."

A sudden feeling of shock overtook him, and he couldn't help but look confused. "You mean since I left?"

"Yeah, he was pretty quick to swoop right in." Pamela nodded with an unhappy look on her face. "But you didn't hear that from me. I've never really enjoyed his company."

Colby was still stunned. "And Rebecca really hasn't ever... gotten with anyone after?"

"Nope." Pamela shook her head. "Not in a single relationship since you."

Colby refocused himself. "That isn't the point. I'm not trying to... I don't know."

He shrugged slowly. "It's just... he seemed almost possessive over her. So I thought maybe they were a thing."

"Or he just doesn't like you." Pamela weighed the options.

Colby scoffed with an eye roll for good measure. "Good thing I don't give a fuck."

"Or..." Another smile hit Pamela's lips. "He feels threatened by you."

Colby shook his head. "He doesn't even know me."

"Oh, but he definitely knows of you." Pamela explained easily. "Don't let her attitude towards you now fool you. Rebecca used to talk about you every chance she got."

Pamela paused for a moment before adding in a crucial detail. "Well... back when we all thought you were dead and things were more amicable."

She watched Colby's expression dim. "Every song. Every scent. Every... anything, really. If you used to like it, hell, if the two of you even had a five-second conversation about it, she talked about it."

Pamela watched sadness become the only distinct emotion in Colby's eyes. "After we found out you were still kicking, I don't think I ever heard anything about you leaving her mouth again."

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