\ Chapter 15 /

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Colby and Rebecca drank in silence for a few minutes, and temptation filled his mind. There was so much he wanted to ask. So much he wanted to say. Yet he couldn't find the right words or formulate the proper sentences.

Instead of trying to say something, he just appreciated the fact that she wasn't trying to murder him at the moment. In fact, to any observing person, they'd probably think she actually tolerated his presence.

They connected eyes for a moment, and something in Rebecca's resting expression changed. She sighed and started to walk in his direction, and for a split second, Colby thought he was a little too hopeful in his last assumption. But he was relieved to see her move past him.

He turned and saw her take off her shirt, reaching for a different one that was on her couch. She was still wearing a bra, and even though the glimpse he had was small, he still found himself slightly choking on the coffee in his mouth.


Colby forced himself to look down into his cup, hearing Rebecca speak up. "What?"

She asked the question as she moved around, wanting to go out and not wanting the smell of her cigarette ash to follow. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before."

Get it together, man.

Colby couldn't tell how much of the statement held bitterness or if she was just being blunt. Either way, he had to force his mind to focus on the coffee in front of him instead of what was going on just mere feet away.

"Context." He stated simply, unable to stop his whirling thoughts.

Think of something, literally anything else.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." A slight grin rose from her lips. "How is your girl back home?"

What did she say?

She watched Colby shrug as she moved back into the kitchen to grab her coffee. "Hm."

Focus man.

Colby finally looked up when his ears stopped ringing to see her slipping on shoes and zipping up a hoodie over her long-sleeved shirt. "Well, I'm leaving, so have fun."

"Where to?" He asked, snapping out of his inner dialogue and seeing her tie up her hair.

Rebecca grabbed her key. "Is this the part where I say anywhere but with you?"

"Up to you." Colby straightened up, moving toward the door as well. "It's not gonna change the outcome, though."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow while opening the door. "Your plan is to follow me like a stalker?"

"No." Colby followed after putting on his shoes. "My plan is to hang out with you like a friend."

"I don't know about that." She began walking with or without him, taking a sip of her coffee. "Think I'll just scream stranger danger and see what happens."

"Someone coming to help your ass?" Colby couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, no. They'd think you were the danger."

She rolled her eyes in return, pressing the elevator call button. "What. Ever."

They rode the elevator down and walked with one another once again in silence—nothing but small peeks at one another, filling their quiet time together. Even as they walked next to one another down the street.

"How about we get breakfast?" Colby spoke up as he smelt the food from the nearby restaurant. "You know, since you can't even toast bread."

He knew he had to add at least a little jab in without her getting too suspicious or irritated by him. It was the way they always used to be. The way they first started to connect was always with the back-and-forth banter.

"You're paying?" She raised an eyebrow as she stopped in front of the door.

Colby laughed with a nod. "Yes."

"Fine." Rebecca's response was curt as they changed direction toward the restaurant.

As they were brought to a table, they read through the menus and Rebecca's eyes involuntarily got caught on the special drinks section of it. She tried to ignore it. Rebecca felt like she genuinely did. Especially with Colby around, she knew he'd use it against her. But her desire for the familiar comfort in alcohol outweighed everything else.

Still, she made more of an effort than she did in the past. When the waitress came for their orders, she, just like Colby, opted for water, and they ordered their meals.

There was barely any small talk. That's what was killing Colby the most, even if the silence wasn't all uncomfortable. At one point, however, when they received their meals, he watched Rebecca take a few bites until her jittering fingers prohibited her from controlling her own fork.

He watched her switch hands, which was clumsy nonetheless since it wasn't her dominant one. Yet, even still, Colby watched Rebecca grow frustrated and put the fork down.

Nothing was said between them until the waiter came by to check on them, and Rebecca spoke. "I'd like a Bloody Mary."

The waiter was off without question, and Colby grew uncomfortable. "Are you sure you should be doing that?"

"What?" Rebecca asked, her fingers picking hangnails in her lap.

"The drink." He clarified solemnly, now only pushing his food around his plate with his fork instead of eating it.

"I'm a grown adult." She scoffed, leaning back. "I think I'm more than capable of making my own decisions."

He shrugged, knowing it was now or never. "I just don't think it's good for you."

Rebecca shook her head, pushing her fingernails into her palm so hard she was sure she pierced the skin. Not saying anything in return. Even as Colby continued, "I just want what's best for you."

That was the straw that seemed to break the camel's back, because the next thing Colby knew, Rebecca had fury written all over her face. She leaned forward speaking quietly because of their surroundings, yet her message was still loud and clear. "Stop acting like you of all people suddenly care."

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