Chapter 12

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At nightfall an insistent ringing pushed the guard at the entrance of the clinic to abandon his gatehouse and to approach the high hooded figure who was stationed outside the wrought iron gates.

"Hello," greeted the stranger.

"How can I help you?" asked cautiously the guard while approaching the gate.

"I was sent by the employment office: I am the new nurse."

"The staff comes in the morning and most certainly not with a hoodie that hides their face; besides the roster doesn't mention anything about a new arrival. Raise your heels my friend and do not show your face again here."

The man raised his hand in response and in a hoarse voice he said, "I'm not your friend and now you will unlock the gate, you will let me in and immediately you will close it. You will then return to your office and continue to work and forget about me and of what has happened."

"Yes" replied the guard in a trance-like manner and opened the gate, stepped aside to let the man in. Then immediately he closed the gate and walked with stiff movements towards the guardhouse. He went in and closed the door behind him. The few street lamps could not dispel the night which had now fallen, leaving large areas of the garden in the shade.

The individual took a few steps and looked around and then slipped quickly into the sparse vegetation. He crouched instinctively sensing an imminent danger, then felt a presence behind him but he did not have the time to turn around. He was struck violently on the head and fainted while falling on the ground.

Samarniel towered over the unconscious body. He grabbed him by his feet and dragged him into a large group of high bushes. He then removed the hood that concealed his identity and thought: "Efreniel... from the black centuria. So it was his aura that I felt a few hours ago. And I bet he's here for the same reason as me. Only that I was smarter and faster."

The presence of an agent of the Light that does not belong to the Luminous Inquisition implied a number of considerations that eluded him in their complicated and ramified consequences, but of two things he was certain: first, the time was up, he had to immediately proceed with the transfer of the human; secondly he had to inform his commander as soon as possible that they were not the only ones on the trail of this Forgetter. He got up determined to kidnap immediately the human, then once they arrived in the Upper Kingdom he would have alerted the commander Stormriel as soon as he had the chance.


The door creaked slightly and opened.

Ada knew that no one could be walking around the clinic at that time of night and therefore it could only have been Eddy, also because the other angel, as Eddy had assured her, couldn't do nothing for whatever obscure reason that she cared little about. The important thing was that Eddy had finally arrived to take her with him. "About time," she whispered, getting up and walking towards the entrance of the room. "I'm ready, I had thought of bringing along some things but that won't be neces-" Ada then startled.

The tall figure dressed in white came through the door and the white moonlight shining through the window lit up his features.

Samarniel looked at her with a grin. "Not at all. What we need, you have got it inside of you!" he said, closing the door behind him.

"You can't do anything to me!" She said whispering and with a trembling voice.

"That's not correct," he pointed out. "I couldn't do anything to you, but suddenly the situation has changed." He grabbed her tightly by the arm. "I have to pick you up immediately."

"No" said Ada trying to set free her arm.

"You have no choice: you're coming with me," he said, blocking her mouth with his right hand and grabbing her by putting his left arm around her chest.

Ada tried to pull away but the angels grip was like a vice grip and it was taking her breath away. Samarniel began to sing a lullaby: a spell to open a dimensional breach enabling him to move in the Upper Kingdom.

A bright golden halo began to illuminate the darkness of the room, a fissure of light appeared in front of Samarniel and he entered inside it, dragging by force Ada effortlessly. Instantly the dimensional breach closed with a flash of light.

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