Chapter 13

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 "I don't agree, Evi. After all there is a natural order of things: just as the angels are lower than God on the hierarchical scale, so the demons are lower than the angels, and what tries to subvert the order must be stopped... the balance of things would otherwise be affected, right guys?"

"In that sense," pointed out Tim swallowing his food "There is the thorny issue of "humans": some claim that they are inferior in ability both to angels and to demons; and yet according to the orthodox doctrine they are the "chosen ones by God" and as his favourite creatures, they are considered hierarchically superior to the angels."

"They are onl... " Was saying Evi but was interrupted by the arrival of Kurtziel.

"Guys, they have selected the names of the members of the patrol of Judges for the gold team," said Kurtziel proudly while placing the tray on the table of the dining hall. The others looked at him questioningly. "Actually," punctualised Tim, "The results will be known only the morning."

"I have the preview" said Kurtziel standing up to give more emphasis to his announcement. "I am one of the five. And, guess what? I'll be the chief patrol."

"Congratulations Kurtz... Um Kurtziel" said Jörg.

"It's a gre great honour" said Dug with his mouth full of food.

Evi instead remained silent, making a grimace but after thinking about it a few seconds, decided to launch a provocation. "Kurtziel, now that you are a Judge and therefore a bastion of the ideology of the Movement, what do you think of humans and demons?"

Kurtziel sat down and started to eat and meanwhile replied lost in thought, "The primary objective is the absolute extermination of the cursed races: the demons; of those corrupted: humans; and of their protectors: the angels who don't follow the creed of the Luminous Inquisition."

The others opened their eyes wide and stared at him speechless and in disbelief; even Dug had remained with his fork halfway between the plate and his mouth.

Kurtziel looked up from his plate and said, "What's wrong guys?"

"Oh nothing, don't worry," said Evi looking at Jörg. "I'm going, I'm done and I can't wait to get in bed: it was a hard day today, the hours of rest are few and this latest discussion on ideology... well it left me with a great desire to go and think about it, so to speak. Good night to all!"

"I'm going also," said Ophia while she got up.

"Me too" said Tim.

"Me al also," added Dug while still continuing to eat from the tray.

Kurtziel watched Evi. "Interesting girl, your friend. Without doubt she's a bit strange though!"

"Evi? Ehm... Eviel? Yes, I think so too. She's really special."

"I said, 'strange'" corrected Kurtziel. "But in fact I think we can also say she's a 'special' girl too."

"Yeah, well... it always depends on what is meant by 'strange' and 'special', right?" Said Jörg and thought, "Look Who's talking of oddities."

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