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Thank you so much for choosing to read this book! Just a quick note, Everything said in Na'vi will either be translated at the bottom of the chapter or explained in the text. A character name guide will also be at the end of each chapter with updated names as we go. This book originally started as a joke between my friends so the plot will start falling into place around chapters 6+ and everything earlier will be world/relationship building. (Spicy stuff will come later as well so do not worry :D )

A huge thanks to my favourite editor- whorrre4harrystyles

Without her, all these chapters would be riddled with inconsistencies, made-up words and grammatical errors.

Chapter updates are every Sunday and as the story advances previous chapters may get edited. I love reading all of your comments, questions and suggestion so keep them coming!

This book contains swearing and smut so its pg13+

Dedicated to my dear friends 

Beans, Fraz, Greasy, Ana, Babaganoush, Granola and Racoon. Without them, this story would have never existed xx

Enjoy reading! 

♡ Bombora ♡

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