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What in the world was this a whole lot of a forest in a goddamn cave what was happening here, miracles. well I think this was beyond a miracle how was a forest growing just anywhere in the mountain were they missing something this was a new discovery they got this was never written in the books so how are they going to deal with this.

"And here I thought we were finally going to the final step of the center what the hell author?" Tae was frustrated at this point "this wasn't going to be just any walk through you gotta jump" hmph

Everyone stared at the beautiful natural jungle I guess but in awe, no doubt it was beautiful there was this fresh breeze within it, it felt so lively "wait wait hold on, what do you mean natural I mean look at the birds those aren't even birds but vultures!!" Hobi shouted "and what's that?? Shit they are coming this way" Hobi tried to warn them as they ducked down in a certain tree but still they were too open for the vultures eyes "but vultures eat dead flesh" one tried to reason as everyone gave him a side eye, Didn't this man learn from all the way they came from, doesn't he know whatever was in the wunu mountain was quite the opposite of reality.
"You think how much hungry are they not to eat some nice flesh" Yoongi snickered but they got the point they shouldn't really trust anything they see.

"Even the ants are weird" Jimin pointed as they all looked to the green savana, true black ants were everywhere quite normal but what's up with it having fungs were they now vampires or something "we can't stand here for long the vultures are only gathering more I think they can scent flesh" Jungkook pointed out "and we can't go back from where we came from otherwise those bugs are still there" Jimin added as they all look from a further place, apart from the long mahogany trees there was an opening somewhere not sure where it leads because the map can nolonger help this place doesn't exist on it and it only means one thing they are on their own "the entrances are quite many I think we should go in pairs yeah?" Jin asked as he looked at everyone, no one knows what awaits them at the other end but they can't all die at the same mistake.

Everyone looked at each other, obviously looking for their partners which didn't take them a second, Jikook couple as always, Namjin, Tae and Hobi, Yoongi with Kai and the rest but only one problem one didn't have a partner "I guess I'll remain a loner" Munchkin said as he laughed it off it was already embarrassing he was bullied on but he wasn't surprised he was alone at this point, Jimin and Jungkook looked at him with a frown as they felt bad for how he was thinking "well, I'll go first" he offered as he started to walk off but Jimin grabbed his hand immediately as Taehyung pushed him back "sorry kid adults first" Taehyung said smugly as Hobi joined him it was obvious they were going to take the first lead "you are on our side" Jimin told munchkin who looked up to him with his big doe eyes like he has seen an angel "don't act on impulse, here we work together" Jungkook scolded as Munchkin could only nod like an obedient kid "I have a suggestion" Namjoon said as they all waited for him to say his genius words.

"The vultures have increased we don't know what they can do. In groups I suggest we all make for the run at the same time but different directions so we can confuse them in the mean time" that sounded even more important "anyone objecting?" Jungkook asked but none said he took it as a plan agreed.

"Thank you for putting me in your group" Munchkin chirped in joy "kid you should be thankful when he make it out from the vultures unless otherwise get ready" Jungkook warned as he got them set "everyone on three we all run to different directions as planned" he didn't need to say it twice everyone was ready "in 3 2 1, run!!" Jungkook shouted as everyone ran from their small hide out the vultures even making more weirder noises as they saw the flesh they are going to have a celebration for sure.

Each group made a run for any of the entrance caves Infront of them just a few steps more they can make it but they didn't realize it only looked easier to make a run but not reach at the end of it, turns out the vultures were even trickier than they thought they split together to reach out for them
"Ahhh" they heard one shout, too bad he wasn't making a run for it but looking at the vultures that lounged at him if only he ran but what was more shocking was how they wild bird flew out with him were they this strong or their human bodies were just lighter in this weird forest.

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