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A week later after all that drama that they had going on, everything looked calm so far during their healing period surprisingly no one was disturbed of any sort they've been living for a week like they don't exist and no one is seeing them it was weird but it was okay that's good for their peace atleast.

And definitely a week of no one knowing what the hell is even going on after they came from the mountain and that's what they were going to find out Jimin and Taehyung as they headed to their uni or former uni not really sure what they hold in this world at all it's like they didn't even have identities. But today they want to meet their professor Mr Bang he's the least person they could trust right now and they were sure he would be sick worried after ever losing contact with everyone he sent out and the two weren't surprised to see him actually carrying out a burial ceremony, but just for safety measures they to carry their masks with them that's for sure.

In the uni there was a restricted area for the students but the professors were allowed including Taehyung and Jimin because they knew why. Slowly walking on the small pavement into the beautiful blooming gardens there were small tomb stones surrounded by more flowers as it followed to the end they were a lot of such kind of stones along the way, it was a symbol of the best personel they lost along the way. All the tomb stones represented each one of the archeologists to ever exist and the new ones which the two make could tell were actually their group and they could see their tomb stones as Mr.Bang was set to plant them. The grounds didn't really have any dead bodies beneath it because none of all these were able to come back.

Just when the older man was about to plant Taehyung's he was stopped by a deep voice "I wouldn't do that if I were you" the man couldn't believe his ears as his eyes widened in shock and looking back just to make sure he wasn't hearing things he was surprised to see his two favorite students standing there with a smile on their faces "is that you, Jimin and Taehyung?" He called out adjusting his glasses a bit only for the boys to nod their heads to their confused teacher.

Mr.Bang didn't know when he dropped the stone that broke into pieces and running towards his student who pulled him in a hug instantly "Oh my God I can't believe it's you" he cried as he pulled them closer "I was starting to loose hope, your still alive" he jumped around in celebration he can't believe his eyes nor ears "your pressure will rise take it easy" Jimin reminded as they broke the hug and the two boys took off their masks surprised how the man could even recognize them "and the rest?" He just wanted to know but he knew deep down he might not see them again, asking that question the two looked down silently and he knew what it meant "let's have silent prayers for them" he suggested and walked to the tomb stones that he managed to lay out, and so they stood silently and made prayers for the deceased.

30 minutes later they were in their favourite Korean restaurant as the older man treated them "I missed this" Taehyung groaned as he ate the noodles almost two bowls now "it smells heaven" Jimin added, Mr.Bang understood what the two had undergone through their journey they must have suffered for sure "suffered is a small word" Taehyung corrected as he drunk the remaining soup and headed for some drinks "we almost died a wild death" he added as Mr Bang listened tentively. The two told him what happened from the beginning till the end and the man was surprised it's like he was reading an ancient book that's for sure "so something like that does exist?" He asked wide eyed as they nodded "and the treasure?" That's almost every one's question they fucking want to know too "to be honest we dont know what the treasure is all about" Taehyung shrugged but the older was confused "it's like this, on our way we did find a few worthy stones" Jimin "actually alot" Taehyung corrected "but we found them on our way so the big home work is that what was at the peek of the mountain, we touched this really bright tomb but the next thing we knew we were back here" Jimin explained himself astonished did they suffer all that for nothing "with nothing" Taehyung added.

Mr. Bang pondered on it as he nodded to himself questioning the whole situation "are you sure the treasure was really there?" Taehyung asked he seemed the only hopeless one here "the ancestors did discover it" Bang answered "my father too found it but didn't survive the after math" Jimin agreed with Bang "Boy that was very brave of you including the Jeon group am sure you didn't suffer all it all for nothing you found something it just hasn't come out yet am sure" he tried to comfort them "maybe the treasure is in you" silence.... Is what followed before the two boys burst into a laughter "what theory is that" Taehyung looked at him in disbelief "it could be" Bang defended."yeah it could be, anyway since no one knew we were going there in the first place I think it's safe we are back to our old lives" Jimin pointed out as the two agreed with him well it was quiet and no one seemed to be suspicious of anything about them well thanks to Bang too for assuring everyone that they had gone to a lil vacation well, they are going back to their daily lives nothing to do about it.
Everyone was looking all better and fine for the week except one person who was so immersed in work and stress, Namjoon neither Jin nor Hobi had casts they were all better now but Jungkook still had a cast on his arm hurt even more than anything and he looked really pale for a live human now that he was sitting in his office working with that one hand that seemed to be exhausted for working past hours day and night. Also his poor feeding since all he eats at home is lectures from his uncle and nothing much from his aunt so his health was really bad all he ate was lunch at his office which Jin personally offered to make for him so he survives on that and he doesn't have time for takeout literally no time to take care of himself and work was exhausting but he can't do anything about it.

"Jungkook hun" Jin called dropping all the work formalities as he brought In the food it was already evening, the younger kept on postponing that he forgot but his hyung wouldn't "my... Why do you look like that?" Jin asked as he saw Jungkook who looked in a bad shape, dark circles under his eyes and sweaty, holding his forehead he was really burning up "Jungkook oh my God you have a fever" Jin panicked "am...ok hyung" Jungkook refused to admit and Jin could already sigh he's being stubborn guess he'll have to call his boyfriend on this one and so Jin ran out to call him as Jungkook sighed on his seat before he took his coat before mumbling "I can't take it anymore" and walked out. "He's really sick.." Jin was whining as he brought Namjoon to Jungkook's office only to find the other wasn't really there "aish this boy" he groaned.
Jungkook stumbled his way in a certain hallway of a building as he pushed himself to reach that certain door he was known to and coming here always, it was night no one to pester him what was wrong with him, on reaching he pushed the doorbell as he heard a familiar 'coming' through the door "who is _!?" exactly that moment Jungkook saw dark and the next thing falling into someone's hold "Jimin..."he called out "Jungkook!?" Was the last thing he heard before he kissed the darkness.


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