Chapter 42

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It was already 7:15 in the morning and everyone in the airplane were half asleep. The journey was really far and hetic for them.

About 20 minutes later, the co pilot of the airplane made an announcement that woke everyone up.

"Good morning passengers, hope you had a nice sleep? We will soon be landing in our destination, Maldives so please buckle up your seatbelts and hold on. Have a nice vacation".

Taehyung woke up from the noise yawning, looking around the airplane to see that everyone was still asleep.

"Guys? Guys?"Tae sleepy called out as another yawn came out of him again before buckling his and Jungkook's seatbelts.

"Wake up"Tae said rubbing his eyes to get the sleep away. He got annoyed that no one was answering him so he yelled out.

"GUYS!! Wake up, the plane is about to land"he yelled out and they all jolted up, awake in surprise.

"Baby, you didn't have to yell" Jungkook mumbled slowly waking up.

"I'm sorry, no one was waking up" Tae smiled sheepishly.

"The hell Tae? You almost gave everyone a heart attack"Yoongi said a bit annoyed as he held Jimin close to him.

"I'm sorry, hyung but we have to buckle our seatbelts cause we are about to land in Maldives"Tae said cutely.

"It's ok baby, he understands" Jungkook said pecking his pouting lips.

They all had just buckled their seatbelts when the plane started to jerk forward to land in an airport. Jungkook held tae's hand tightly and pulled his head to his chest to kiss his head.

After a while, it was over. They all highlighted the plane with their luggage and Jungkook led them to 4 different mustang rides.

"Guys these are our rides to Mirihi Island, where we'll enjoy our vacation"Jungkook said smiling at everyone.





They all said at the same time, happily.

"So let's go"Tae said smiling and ran into a ash mustang car and Jungkook followed They all chuckled at them and went to their own rented cars.

30 minutes later, they arrived at Mirihi Island. They came down from the car and the view was just amazing.

"Omg, this is amazing!!"Jimin and Taehyung screamed at each other in excitement.

Just then a woman in a 30's dressed modestly, came to them. She introduced herself as Mrs Adeline and she would be their guide for the day.

"Everyone...welcome to Mirihi Island. A small luxury island that is mainly for romantic trips. We offer an excellent water villa for ultimate pleasure and remarkable room service. Highlights of this resort: water spots and beach hopping. Also, it's private just for you all".

"Wait, private??!!"Namjoon asked surprised a bit.

"Umm...yeah, private. Didn't Mr Jeon tell you all?"She asked staring at Jungkook who was smiling at them.

"Babe, did you pay for a private resort for three weeks??!!"Tae exclaimed shocked.

"Yeah, I did my love"Jungkook said.

"But why? That would most definitely cost a lot of money"y/n asked worried.

"I know, but I wanted to treat you guys. You all didn't have a good day or night with your lovers, so I wanted everyone to have some peace and quiet to themselves without prying eyes"Jungkook explained to lighten up the tension.

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