Chapter 32~

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Long chapter ahead
Slight smut~~


"Come in"Yoongi answered working on his laptop. Jimin walked into the office smiling."Babe, I didn't see you at the cafeteria today. Why?"Jimin asked sitting opposite him.

"First of all, that is not where you sit" Yoongi said with a smirk and relaxed his back on his swirling chair patting his thighs."Here is your throne babe, come sit"he said with a dirty smile.

Jimin blushed and slowly stood up swaying his hips sexily as his went to his boyfriend."That's it you sexy vixen"Yoongi encouraged licking his lips.

Jimin then slowly sat down on his thighs making sure he sat down on the danger zone."Be careful vixen I might destroy that perfect ass hmm?" Yoongi warned smiling. Jimin turned red some more and said"shut up, why are being horny?. I asked you a question yet you are teasing me".

"To answer your question, I'm really busy today. A lot of deals were made today and a lot items were bought too so I need to put some things in their right places to avoid mistakes"Yoongi answered before stealing a kiss.

Jimin giggled and kissed back quickly then asked again"oh, did you by any chance see tae after the meeting? I have been calling him for a while now" Jimin asked concerned."I have not but no worries I'm sure he's with Jungkook since I haven't seen him either and besides they are in their honey moon faze of their relationship so let them be" Yoongi said stealing a long kiss making Jimin blush.

"Stoop"Jimin whined shyly."You are sassy with me when others are around but when alone with me, you turn into a sexy, tempting, wanton  vixen"Yoongi whispered seductively in his ears causing Jimin to moan.

"Yoongi we can't do it here~... mmmhh~" Jimin moaned out in pleasure as Yoongi started unbuckling their pants pulling them down. Yoongi silenced him with a passionate kiss and then abruptly turned him around slapping his ass hard.

"That's for me to decide"Yoongi said rubbing his red ass.

(A/n this is not a yoonmin bl so let's leave it here)
Back in Jungkook's office, tae moved his thick ass on Jungkook's dick and they both moaned.

"Fucking hell~"Jungkook cursed softly closing his eyes and putting his hands in a fist not to touch tae without permission. Just the first thrust of his ass on Jungkook's dick made tae lose his mind and he started moving faster.

"Kookie~ it feels so good. Mmmm~'tae moaned loudly grinding faster. He was already licking pre come which Jungkook felt and groaned at the wetness."Fuck baby, just like that keep...ahh...going~ shit"Jungkook grunted moving his hips slowly to meet tae's hips.

Tae moaned from the friction and held onto Jungkook's shoulders tightly to get more. He tried a few times but he wasn't satisfied with the pace anymore so he opened his eyes and pulled Jungkook's tight fists on his ass. Jungkook opened his eyes filled with lust and love to look at tae's."Touch me, please. You have my permission to touch everywhere, just make the both of us come"tae begged panting.

Jungkook held his ass and started moving his hips making their dicks rub deliciously on each other. Tae gasped and moaned"yes...ahh, faster. It's feel s-so go-good...ahh"tae stuttered moaning and moving along with him in a fast pace.

Jungkook licked tae's buttom lips and Tae opened his mouth so Jungkook could suck his tongue. He did and Tae moaned blissfully at the feeling. Tae pulled away and attached his lips to Jungkook's neck kissing and sucking it at the same time grinding harder.

Jungkook tilted his head groaning as tae sucked on his sweet spot. "Shit...fuck baby~"Jungkook said enjoying tae's touch so he stood up and placed tae on his desk and spread his legs open and pressed his body on him and started moving at a fast pace.

"AHHH...FUCK"Tae screamed as he felt his stomach forming a familiar knot. "Do you want to cum for me?" Jungkook said hoarsely in his ear panting as he moved faster. Both were pouring out pre come making the movements slippery and delicious to stop.

"Yes...hyung...I wanna ahhh~"Tae said as his legs started trembling and his eyes rolled back slowly closing. "Cum...cumming~"tae faintly said with his mouth opened in a silent scream and his back slowly arching, ready to burst.

Jungkook held his waist in a bruising grip, moving his hips more fast groaning and said in Tae's ear"cum for me... little one~". Tae's body seized up, his back arched in a perfect angle and screamed really loud"KOOKIE!!" and came...hard. Thank heavens the office was sound proof.

Jungkook groaned at the sight and came hard in briefs.

Tae stopped cumming and dropped down on the desk back panting heavily at his amazing release. Jungkook breathed harshly at his orgasm and look at Tae on his desk looking like a sin with cum filled briefs, swollen lips, sweating body, purple hickeys on his neck and a bruised thigh. He most definitely looked like sin.

He shook his legs and called him"Tae? Are you ok?"Jungkook asked breathing a bit slower. Tae mumbled 'yes' with his eyes closed, already tired."Don't sleep yet baby, lets get cleaned up"Jungkook said and carried him bridal style to the little room he sleeps in when he doesn't go home.

Few minutes later, they were both cleaned up and no...they didn't clean up together, they took turns. After they were done, Tae felt tired and drained so Jungkook took him to his bed to let him rest.

"Rest for now baby, when you wake up, I'll get you something to eat ok?" Jungkook said smiling. Tae nodded and drifted into a deep sleep.
An hour later, they was a knock on Jungkook's door."Come in"Jungkook answered.

Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon walked in looking around. Jungkook arched his eyebrow in question at what they are doing."Why are you guys looking around? Did you lose something?" Jungkook asked.

"We didn't lose anything. We are looking for Tae, he's not in his office" Jimin answered."Tae's in my room over here"Jungkook replied Jimin. "Really? Can I go in?"Jimin asked going to open the door.

"No, I want him to rest. He's tired after we made out" Jungkook quickly said but immediately regretted it as everyone else's eyes went wide and they all yelled, "WHAT??"

"Did you do the nasty?~"jimin sang teasing him. Yoongi and Namjoon eyes opened wide at what Jimin asked and looked at Jungkook for confirmation. They both gasped loudly at Jungkook's red ears.

Jimin squealed and danced a little but Jungkook stood up embarrassed and yelled"no we didn't do the nasty so stop dancing like that and get your mind out of the gutter"."You didn't? So, you both are still virgins?"Jimin sadly pouted.

"Yeah, so? I don't see that's any of your business and it's not a crime to be a virgin at our age ok?"Jungkook said defensive at Jimin.

"Babe I think that's enough. It's their private life so let keep it down a notch ok?"Yoongi said to Jimin who sadly nodded and went to hug him. "Jungkook? Sorry about that, we'll take our leave so take care of yourself and Tae" Namjoon said smiling with his dimples in display and left with the yoonmin couple.

Jungkook sat down harshly on chair and released a very deep breath he didn't know he was holding."Shit, they know now because of my big mouth. I hope they won't tease Tae about it later"Jungkook muttered with his head back and eyes closed.
Minho's POV

"So, you both are dating each other now huh?"he said looking at their pictures he hired someone to take of them at the beach.

"Be prepared Jeon baby, I'm back for you"he smirk and took a long draw of his cigarette.

Ok Minho🤨🤨 was it? Was the smut good or nah?
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