Chapter 50

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It was 10:15am in the morning; Saturday, with the sun peeking through the light curtain and soft wind making it move.

The smell of bacon and pancakes with syrup filled the house, enough to wake someone from their slumber.

"Hmmm"Tae moaned, waking up slowly from his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly to observe his surroundings.

After clarifying he was in Jungkook's house, he slowly sat up moving his body a bit too much and he felt a sharp pain in his head and his muscles aching in pain.

"Ahhh shit, my head"he mumbled holding his head in an attempt to stop the pain. He slowly looked to the side where the side table is and saw a glass cup of water and some pain killers.

He quickly took them and drank them without hesitation.

Few minutes later, the pain subdued and he was able to use his senses. He smelt bacon and pancakes and immediately knew that Jungkook must be making breakfast, so he decided to take a quick shower and join him.

He walked to the bathroom and did his business.


Jungkook was busy making pancakes and bacon in the kitchen, limping and occasionally hissing as he moved around.

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard on his door and it startled him. So, he slowly limped to door and opened it.

The door wasn't fully opened when Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin and Hobi all rushed in like they were being chased with a knife, not seeing Jungkook.

Jungkook!!??they all exclaimed at the same time, calling him.

"Yes?"Jungkook answered confused behind them. They sharply turned to door and saw a tired and weak figure by the door looking at them, confused.

"Are you okay? Where is Taehyung? His he okay? What happened last night? Did he do anything to you? Tell me"Jimin said hurriedly as he approached him with quick steps.

"One question at a time hyung and keep your voice down, Tae is still sleeping"Jungkook said shushing him.

"I'm sorry I'm just worried"Jimin said looking worried.

"Why were you worried?"Jungkook asked in a low voice

"Because I called you and Tae multiple times last night to tell you something really important, but you both didn't pick up"Jimin said said in a state of panick.

" I just saw them not long now but what was so important tha-"
Jungkook said but Namjoon interrupted him and asked,"what happened last night Jungkook? You don't look so good".

"Yeah, I kinda noticed it when we entered"Hobi said looking at him suspiciously, making him a bit uncomfortable at the stare.

"Jungkook? Did something happen to you or did Tae-"Yoongi said not getting to finish his sentence when the sound of a door opening and closing was heard.

Tae hummed a song while skipping down the stairs, not remembering what had happened last night.

"Morning Kookie, I'm-"Tae said as he was skipping down the stairs but stopped when he saw the others.

"Oh, good morning everyone. You are here so early?"Tae greeted a bit confused at their early visit.

"Yeah, we came to see you and your boyfriend since we tried calling you both multiple times last night"Jin answered moving close to Tae a bit.

"Last night? You called multiple times? When and where is my phone anyways?"Tae asked confused looking at Jin then to Jungkook to give an answer.

"It's in the kitchen,next to mine. Let me get it for you"Jungkook said softly and moved to get the phone for Tae.

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