*-* C h a p t e r t w o *-*

519 11 6

I WOKE UP THE next morning and looked around, boxes piled up in every corner of the room, the amazing smell of fresh paint going up my nose, the birds chirping outside my window, and my favourite, the sun shining in.

Since it was summer, i needed to find a job, and I needed it fast. My mom said she left a newspaper beside both me and Janes bed for job applications.
I searched for about 10 minutes until i seen a job as a waiter , at "AQUA". It was located on a near by beach and they paid 20$ an hour which was way more than what I expected! I decided to take that, that was gonna be my summer job. I would have the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and maybe.. if I'm lucky.. find someone that might be more than friends.. but I'm not gonna get ahead of myself.

I got up out of my bed and walked over to my suitcase. I picked out a pear of blue denim shorts and a white shirt that had a yellow circles pattern on it. I put the clothes on and ran to the door to get my shoes.

"Hi sweetie! Where are you going in such a rush?" My mom asked standing in our kitchen drinking a cup of warm coffee.
"I'm applying for a job at a restaurant!" I replied, tying my shoe lace.
"That's great! Good luck!"
"Thanks!" I said running out the door.
The beach was a 5 minute walk from my house, you could literally see it when you looked down the street.
There was an ocean smell coming from everywhere. You could hear the waves crashing against the sand. It was perfect, i already loved it here. Maybe if i get this job I can make friends! It would be great to have someone to talk to.

Once i arrived at the restaurant i seen a girl with fiery red hair, and shiny blue eyes standing in front of it. I walked towards her and thought maybe she would know about how to do this.

"Um h-hi are you here for the job interview?" I asked her.
"Yeah! Are you? I'm Max by the way" Max said.
"Yeah.. I'm will.." i replied.
"Well the interviews are open in 10 minutes so you can wait out here with me for now if you want!"
"Yeah.! Yeah sure"
Me and Max waited outside for that 10 minutes. Turns out, Max was really nice and she said we could be friends. I agreed.
Suddenly, the doors opened to the restaurant and there was a boy standing there. He had dark curly hair, beautiful brown eyes, pale skin, and he was wearing a uniform which had a tag that said
"Uhm are you here for the interviews?" The boy asked.
"Ugh, Mike really? Your working here?" Max said groaning.
"Shut up Max.. Anyways, you" he turned his head to look at me. "I'm not in the mood to talk to her so are you both here for the interview?" He asked me. I nodded because I was too scared to say anything.
"Ok well my boss said he needs another 10 minutes so I'll be back out when he's ready" Mike said
"Wait what's your name?" He asked.
"Oh well nice to meet you" he replied smiling before closing the doors. The place was like a greenhouse with the amount of windows. He looked through the closest one to me and winked. I smiled at him and Max said something that snapped me back into reality.
"So! Do you have a girlfriend?" Max asked me as she sunk back into a white armchair that was sitting outside of the restaurant.
"U-Um no I'm gay."
"Oh! Me too" Max laughed.
"Do you like anyone?" She asked.
I glanced at the door and back at her face.
"No..no no no no no you CANNOT like Mike wheeler! He's a total asshole!?"
"I didn't say i like him, i just think he's kinda cute, that's all!" I replied.
"Mhm. Sure. You totally like him! Listen I'm not gonna make decisions for you, but all I'm saying is he's not one that you wanna make."
"Ok.. i won't say anything! Promise" i replied.
"He probably isn't even gay anyway" i added.
"No he is! He's just an asshole" Max said.
"Right! Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything!" I replied but as Max was about to speak the doors reopened and there he was, standing at the door holding it open.
"You can come in now." Mike said, as me and max hopped out of our seats and went to go inside. Mike gave me a flirty smile, and I didn't even smile back. But one thing i did do is go BRIGHT red.
The inside of the restaurant was beautiful. There was red, blue and white striped walls with seashells covering most of the blank spots. There was a man standing there. He was wearing a brown suit with a blue tie. "Hi! My name is Murray Bauman I'm the owner of this restaurant! You can call me Murray or boss whichever you prefer, now will isnt it?" The man asked me.
"Good! At least Mike over here got something right.. Anyways, if you would like to come with me to my office we can get this interview started!"
I nodded and followed him to the office, the interview wasn't anything special. He just asked me what age I am, where I'm from and why I should have  this job. It was over in under 5 minutes.
"Ok! Good news! You got the job! Now don't worry your little red haired friend can still work here as we need more than 2 waiters.. ok well ask Mike to give you your uniform and you start tomorrow at 10AM Buh-bye!" He said I smiled and walked out of the room to see Mike and Max fighting over something else.
"Max you can go in now" I said as I pulled out a chair and sat down.
"So, did you get the job?" Mike asked walking over and sitting on the table in front of mine.
"Good! I was hoping you would.." he replied giving me that flirty smile again.
"Wait i gotta go get the uniform for you, one sec"  he said running off leaving me in a blushing mess. He came back after a minute and handed me the uniform. I looked up at him and stared for a second before taking the uniform.
"Are you gonna sit there and stare or...?"
"i wasn't staring?!"
"Yes you were!" He laughed.
I was about to leave when Mike stopped me.
"Will! Wait! Are you free tonight? We could go out to town and I could show you around?" He asked me.
"Um sure yeah I'll go... what time?"
"Sure! I'll meet you here. Bye!" I said running out of the restaurant.
Was this a date? No it isnt. It couldn't be..

1166 words.

*-*T h e  s u m m e r  t h a t  i  m e t  y o u*-* (byler)Where stories live. Discover now