*-* C h a p t e r t h r e e *-*

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I ARRIVED HOME AND it was still only 12:30. I had hours before my da- I meant friend meeting thing. Well Max gave me her number so I thought I would just call her.

(WILL) "Hi max!"
(MAX) "Hi will Whats up?"
(WILL) "wanna go to the beach or something? I have nothing to do so.."
(MAX) "yeah! Sure I'll meet you at the beach cya!"
Luckily I hadn't taken my shoes off and I could just run back out of the house and over to the beach.

When I got there, I saw Max sitting on the wall waiting for me.
"Hi again" she said looking up from her phone.
"Ok so.. I GOT THE JOB!!" She exclaimed.
"Aw.. because I DID TOO!!" We hugged.
"Only bad thing is we have to work with Mike.. ew"
"Well.. he's not so bad.. we have a date- friendly meeting later.." uh oh I said too much..
"Wait a date? Mike has a boyfriend?"
I don't know why but when she said that my heart broke into a million pieces. Why? I had only known this boy for a good hour?! Why did I feel like this.
"I-I know! He told me! It's not a date I just.."
"I told you he was an asshole, just don't show up?"
"Your right I won't go.." it was easy for me to say but not easy to stick too, for the rest of the afternoon me and Max were playing in the sand swimming in the water but I couldn't stop thinking about Mike.. and just as I was forgetting I looked at the time and realised it was 5:55! Mike would be here any minute now! And I looked like a mess!
"Uhh Max I gotta go.."
"Me and Mikes date- or.. ugh i don't care our date was at 6 and it's 5:55 and even if I do go I look terrible"
I turned around to see mike approaching the doors of the restaurant.

(MIKE) "hi will! I'm here whenever your able to come!"

"Max! He texted me what do I say!!?"
"Um say nothing I'll go talk to him.."
"No! I'll just go on the stupid date, meeting thing I don't care how I look he has a boyfriend anyways"

I walked over to the restaurant, even after Maxs multiple failed attempts to get me not to go.

"Hi will!" Mike said.
"Um do you wanna go" he asked.
"Ok then! Let's go" Mike replied running of the deck in the front of the restaurant and off the beach.
"Come on!" Mike said grabbing my hand and running.
The second he even touched my hand I felt butterfly's flying through my stomach.
I tried to hide it, but I'm not good at hiding things.

485 words

*-*T h e  s u m m e r  t h a t  i  m e t  y o u*-* (byler)Where stories live. Discover now