*-* C h a p t e r s i x *-*

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ONCE MIKE CAME BACK in with the tall boy, he brought him to a table. I approached the table and Mike looked at me with a 'No' look but I didn't care and walked over anyway.
"Hi! I'll be your waiter for today, have you decided on anything to order?"
"Hm I think I'll get the pizza, margarita, anyways im Jacob, you?" He said, with that flirty smirk that Mike always gives me.
"Um will.. I'll just get your order ready.." I quickly turned around and walked straight over to Mike.

"What the hell was that!?" I whispered.
"Look! I told you not to go over! Will, he's been coming here the past week! He's totally stalking you or some shit!"
"Well you can deal with him for the day because I certainly am not!"
"Ha! Will, you got yourself into this, you can get yourself out." Mike finally said as he walked past me to serve someone else.
Well I guess I'll just have to deal with this shit myself.

I walked through the kitchen doors to see Dustin cleaning plates by the sink.
"Hi.." I groaned.
"Hi Will! This is my mom, I don't know if you met her"
"Oh! Ms. Henderson is your mom? Cool"
"Yeah! She's head chef!"
"Mhm! By the way we need one margarita pizza for table 7 when your ready thanks!" I finished, walking out of the kitchen.

The second I opened the doors the tall dark haired boy was standing straight in front of me!

"U-Um can I help you?" I nervously mumbled.
"Mhm! Where's the bathroom?"
"Uhh right over there.."
"Thanks!" And he just walked away like nothing happened!

I decided to to take my break. I walked over to the staff only room to see Mike sitting on the couch watching his phone.

"Oh sorry I didn't know it was your break now I'll g-"
"No will! Come here for a second!" Mike insisted.
"Um ok.." I walked over and sat beside him. "whats wrong?"
"Stay here, I'll take care of stalker kid"
"No! It's fine!"
"Will? Im doing it"
"Mike n-"
"Right Fine.."

I really don't know why Mike cares so much? It's not like he has anything to do with this? But, he's just trying to help and I know that.


Once the sun started to go down, so did the number of customers. And after about 20 minutes, the restaurant was warm and empty once again. I don't know what happened with the tall boy and Mike, after my break finished he had left and when I asked Mike he said he was gone when he came out to serve him. With Dustin being our new employee we wanted to bring him around town as he said, he had been living with his dad for 3 years and this was his first time in California so we wanted to show him around.

Well Max and Mike did anyway, I just came along. I don't know really anywhere yet either.
"I can't believe I've missed out on so much! I love California!" Dustin announced.
"Yeah, yeah, it's not that cool" Mike replied rolling his eyes.
"Mike? What are you talking about!" I laughed.
"I don't know! Just saying!"

Me, Max, Mike and Dustin had been going back and forward in conversation for hours, walking around the local town. It was like we had known each other for years even though we'd only met. We all had this click which made us instantly love each other. Now I know that Mike and Max don't always get along as already shown multiple times but they really are good friends. Everything was perfect! I mean for a while anyway.

622 words.

*-*T h e  s u m m e r  t h a t  i  m e t  y o u*-* (byler)Where stories live. Discover now