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It's been couple of days since I went out with Jungkook, and of Alex going back to Canada. But that guy had a 440 volt smile plastered on his face through the car ride to the airport. It is one of the things I missed about him, I'm currently going through the city to finalise the new place for the New office in here.

About me and Jungkook, we exchanged few texts over the days to check on each other not that I mind because he is hella busy.

"I think Miss Jonas this is a good place" Evara my new assistant brought me back to reality.

"I think the same. Get the paperwork ready and open the site for recruitment of new employees" I ordered to her the sooner the better.

"Sure" she said and gestured me towards the car so that we can go back to uncle's cottage.

As soon as I was inside the car a tex popped up on my phone

Uncle Bang<3

Uncle Bang<3

-can you drop by the office on your way back?


Yeah will be there in 20-

"To hybe" I told the driver, the distance to the company wasn't much.
After 20 minutes I was inside the building and making my way towards the staircase when somebody stopped me

"Care you tell us Miss, where are you going?" A girl who seems in here late twenties or early thirties asked me with a digusted expression on her face.

"Mr. Bang called me" I told her when she grabbed my elbow and stopped me.

"Hands off her" somebody said from behind me and I turned to see Jungkook there.

So the 'idk her name miss' did what the man asked her to, she made some distance between us.

"B-but sir she is invading in the company without p-permission" she shuttered and gave me a side glance.

"Oh really? Last time I checked you ain't hired to treat guests like that either. he said while securing his position right beside me and I swear I can feel the heat radiated from him

"S-sorry sir. It is my fault" she said and lowered her head.

"It's completely fine" I said while resting my hand on Jungkook's bicep to stop him from taking it further

But boy, those biceps are hard like freaking stones

"Let's go" Jungkook said while taking my hand and leading towards the stair but stopped outside the elevator and turned towards my staff.

"I'll take her, you guys can go to the 7th floor" he said while gesturing towards the elevator and then taking me towards the stairs.

Once we were inside the door he left my hand and started to climb the stairs.

How does he know about stairs?
Did Jennie told him?

That can't be she won't ------

As if reading my thoughts he said

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