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Semelē was sitting before her vanity when her siblings came to her. Mother worried over her greatly and limited the amount that she was able to help with the war preparations. Semelē was very frustrated with that, but she would not admit that she was also thankful for it. Her mageia core still ached from the slightest strain, and it was not like she was struggling alone. Perseús was now required to attend all his lessons to learn and strengthen his skill of prophecy. Mother and Grandfather both had gone over his daily itinerary and replaced a lot of his freetime with lessons – not that he had much as the war took precedence.

They had been travelling around the main kingdoms — splitting their time between Neptūtas and Poseiria so that the people could see them and ease their worries. One of the latin demidivine children that had been transformed into a tritoni at their drowning had even gifted her a painting that framed her as a velificans. It used her own hair and the waves of Lord Pontos to be her veil while the beams of Sol that managed to reach so far under the waves set her eyes aflame in the portrait.

Twas very well done, and she cast a protection spell over it so that she would not lose it like the last painting she did — now the mortals had "discovered" it in Aigaío Pélagos and were trying to set her painting in one of their little museums! She was never getting it back as Father and King Zeus had ordered that none should even try unless they had a suitable replacement.

Though, she supposed it was worth it as the mortals started a "neo-pagan" cult in her name as she was now being worshiped as Semelē Neraïda. There was currently a debate on where to place it as Athênai demanded it due to Father's infamous claim that tied the sea to the place while Nea Kórinthos wanted due to Archaia Kórinthos actually choosing Father as their patron god.

It was causing a lot of civil unrest and she was just about dying to be able to send a divine sign to showcase her acceptance of it being placed in Nea Kórinthos.

(She couldn't wait to start sending things from Atlantis closer to the surface as that way she and Perseús could be worshipped together as it was their right. Twas one of the moments that she was glad that time moved slower within the sea as all paintings and statues since their birth looked as if they had come from the olden days.)

Kymopoleia stepped up behind her, her crown of starfish woven into her hair as she took a comb to her hair. "My darling little sister," she said, eyes filled with fondness. "I have missed you greatly."

Semelē smiled in response, "You saw me mere hours ago." Her sister had demanded that she train her powers of the storms in the event that her mageia would not be healed enough in case of war. It was something that Semelē agreed to without reluctance since those thrilling days of yesteryear that she actively trained those powers.

"And yet it seems every moment that I do not gaze upon you and Perseús, the two of you aged more within the day. Seems like just yesterday the two of you were being nursed upon Mother's breast."

From behind them both, Benthesikymê was smiling slightly. "Twas because it was. Semelē was trying to avoid the attention of a few Potamoi who were once more trying for her hand so she took the form of a babe when Mother visited the nursery and refused to let her go even when she visited the barracks."

Tritôn and Perseús both scowled from their seats. "I see we will need to take a more hands-on approach," their eldest sibling muttered. He then grimaced, "Though it may come to an end if you either took a vow of chastity or accepted a courtship."

Semelē huffed. "Όχι, I prefer my way much more." Her way of course tended to be transforming those that displeased her into salmon and setting her beloved Orcinus orca who chased them all across the ocean bed until Lady Eurybiê changed them back.

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