Chapter 4 - Alcohol And Bad(?) Decisions

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-A/N: The prompt for this chapter was suggested by M203grenaderifle. Thank you for giving me the idea for this and sorry to you all who actually read this that this update was slow, I got a bad writers block lol.

B!Soldier woke up in his bedroom, confused and groggy with little to no sense of how much time has passed. B!Soldier sits up and groans as memories of what had happened come back to him. B!Soldier grimaces after remembering everying; from both teams finding out about his raccoons to being carried 'that filthy COMMUNIST!' As either Soldier would so kindly put it. Another memory that strolls on into B!Soldier's mind is R!Demoman, his absolute best friend, had asked him to play a game earlier. B!Soldier couldn't remember what it was but he decided to go find R!Demoman and ask about it.

It had taken B!Soldier  about five minutes to find R!Demoman. It was very easy to since R!Demoman had just won a drinking contest against B!Demoman and lots of people were cheering. Mainly the irresponsible ones (cough cough, SCOUTS.) B!Soldier confidently walked up to R!Demoman and taps him on the shoulder. R!Demoman looks around for a moment then spots B!Soldier.

"Ay lad! There ya are! I've been waitin' for ya," R!Demoman's face lights up in a tipsy yet joyful grin.

B!Soldier attempts to continue to look 'professional' but can't help but grin with joy as well, "HELLO DEMO! I REMEMBERED YOU SAYING SOMETHING ABOUT A CARD GAME OR SOMETHING."

R!Demoman's face lit up at this, "Ah lad ya remembered! Well me and the Scouts are gonna play Uno - do ya know how to play?"

B!Soldier laughed and scoffed, "OF COURSE I KNOW HOW TO PLAY!"
After a moment or two of chatting, R!Demoman led B!Soldier over to a table where both Scouts were sitting at. A deck of Uno cards lays menacingly in the middle of the table. The game began after all four players had seven starter cards. The game went on as any average game of Uno would; people laughing and getting mad as their friends completely and utterly screw them over. Then, when R!Demoman calls out Uno, B!Soldier realizes that he has the power to give his friend plus four. B!Soldier feels extremely conflicted. He doesn't want to make his friend upset by making him not win, but at the same time, the plus four is B!Soldier's last card...

"Yo! Soldier! Are ya gonna stare at ya cards all day or are ya gonna use one!" The R!Scout chuckled as B!Scout made this remark.

Finally, B!Soldier makes his decision.

"A plus four! Lad, how could ya do this ta me?" B!Soldier was so focused on R!Demoman's words that he didn't hear the joking laughter in his voice. B!Soldier's eyes widened as he thought he had actually upset his friend. The two Scout's practically howled with laughter as B!Soldier called Uno while R!Demoman picked up four cards. B!Soldier won that round and he played more rounds, though he was pretty quiet during the other rounds. The Scouts didn't seem to notice, but R!Demoman did.

A good few rounds later, the Scouts headed off to go piss of one of the Spies or something. B!Soldier stood up to leave but R!Demoman grabbed his arm and sat him back down.

"Mate, ya seem really upset and I dinnae know why. What's botherin' ya?" R!Demoman's voice was full of concern.

B!Soldier frowned and hesitated before speaking, his voice quiet for once, "Why do you care? I made you upset by not letting you win."

When R!Demoman finally realized why B!Soldier was upset, his eyes widened and he chuckled.

"Lad it's just a game. I dinnae care about winning! I could never be mad at ya, especially not because of something as stupid as that!"

B!Soldier looked surpried, "You're not really mad at me?"

R!Demoman shook his head, "Of course not!"

At this realization, B!Soldier's face lit up and his voice grew back to its normal volume. B!Soldier was incredibly happy to hear that his friend wasn't made at him. B!Soldier almost hugged Demoman but he didn't. Too many people around.

A sly grin spreads across R!Demoman's face, "Well lad, how about to cheer ya up, we get drunk off our arses?"

B!Soldier laughed out loud and nodded, "Yeah!"

So the two set about drinking pure American whiskey and Scrumpy, plus maybe a tiny bit of vodka they stole from B!Heavy. It didn't take long for the two to be amusing and annoying all the others with their drunken antics. The two made quite a pair of friends when sober, but when piss drunk their schemes were a bit too much for someone like Medic or Spy to deal with.

R!Demoman drunkenly spoke, slurring his words and rambling on about something that was almost incoherent to B!Soldier's drunken mind.

"Did I ever tell ya... Tell ya about when... When the... And then the..." R!Demoman chuckled.

B!Soldier laughed loudly as he leaned against a wall for support. Both of their visions swam as they stumbled and wobbled around a hallway. They had been kicked out of the main room, though they didn't care. The two continued to drunkenly laugh and speak. At one point, B!Soldier nearly fell over, but R!Demoman caught him. Their noses were almost touching as they drunkenly stared into each others eyes. R!Demoman stared with a strange sort of interest and enchantment as B!Soldier chuckled and slurred the words of his drunken ramble. Before he knew what he was doing, R!Demoman leaned in close to B!Soldier, their lips almost touching...

B!Soldier woke up in his bed, half his body hanging off his mattress while his duvet was tangled all around him. B!Soldier had a splitting headache and he couldn't remember last nights events from after he got drunk. B!Soldier groaned weakly and muttered something about "stupid communists giving me headaches..." under his breath as he stood up and wobbly walked towards his bedroom door. B!Soldier left his room where he spotted R!Demoman hanging out in a hallway, talking to R!Medic with an anxious expression. B!Soldier grinned and waved at R!Demoman.

"HEY BUDDY!" B!Soldier called out to R!Demoman as he walked past. R!Demoman looks even more nervous when he sees B!Soldier but he anxiously waves back before quickly turning back to R!Medic and speaking again in a hushed tone. B!Soldier shrugs off his friends odd behaviour and walks past before heading into the main room.  When B!Soldier entered the main room, a few other people glanced over at him. The Scouts clearly laughed which confused B!Soldier while some others tried to discreetly chuckle. R!Engineer was the first one to approach B!Soldier.

"Hey there pal. Thought mah team's Demo would've walked in with ya, heheh," R!Engineer chuckled, though his remark confused B!Soldier.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" B!Soldier was clearly wondering what R!Engineer was talking about. Sure R!Demoman and B!Soldier were friends but they aren't always together. R!Engineer chuckled but before he could answer, B!Spy came up to him and told him to lay off. R!Engineer looked a bit guilty so he walked away with B!Spy. B!Soldier shrugged off the strange behaviour of the other mercenaries and went to get himself a drink. B!Soldier couldn't help but wonder why everyone was acting strange, but surely it wasn't important. Maybe B!Soldier and R!Demoman had done something stupid or amusing while drunk last night. It surely wasn't something embarrassing or something that could alter him and R!Demoman's friendship forever. B!Soldier got himself a little carton of apple juice to drink, not having a clue about why the others are acting strange.

However, R!Demoman was worriedly talking to R!Medic in the hallway, practically begging for advice for what to do since he had accidentally kissed his best friend while drunk. B!Soldier's pretty calm, while R!Demoman is panicked about what this means for their friendship.

A/N: This chapter was funny to write lol. Thanks again to  M203grenaderifle for the general idea of this chapter. Also, once again sorry for the long wait. P.S: If anyone reading this doesn't ship Demo and Soldier then you might want to click off. While there (probably) won't be sexual intimacy between the two, it will be pretty obvious that there's some relationship fluff happening later on. Tee-hee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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