Chapter 3 - A Short One, Maybe I Don't Know

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(A/N: Okay this chapter will probably be kinda short I don't know yet. Anyways, it will also be threw B!Medic's and R!Heavy's POV mainly since they're looking for B!Soldier alright? Cool)

"SOLDIER?? SOLDIER HEAVY VANTS TO APOLOGISE!" B!Medic called out while wandering around in the forest outside of the BLU base, not too far away from the building. The two had been searching for 15 minutes now, and they just kept getting further from the BLU base. R!Heavy checked in some bushes as B!Medic approached him. "Any luck?" R!Heavy shook his head sadly. B!Medic sighed, "Zhis is hopeless! Ve have been searching for ages!" B!Medic sighed, "If he hadn't been so cocky zhen none of zhis vould have happened," R!Heavy couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Nyet! Soldier is out there, I know it! Heavy needs to say sorry," R!Heavy frowned. He was trying to stay positive but deep down he was also losing hope. B!Medic sighed, "Look, fine, ve can keep looking for a vhile longer," 

(A/N: I'm gonna do a silly; so basically in this book the respawn is only on for the fights, on ceasefires it's off. Also, the mediguns will only heal when respawn's on. So on ceasefire they're pretty much useless. How silly!!!!!)

R!Heavy was searching by some trees when he heard the sound of someone crying, far off in the distance, a quiet crying, as if the person who was crying was trying to well, stifle it. R!Heavy started moving towards the sound, getting closer and closer until he stopped in front of a tall cedar tree. The quiet crying was coming from behind the tree. R!Heavy slowly approached it and looked behind the tree. B!Soldier was sitting there, hugging his knees to his chest. "Soldi-" "AAAAAHHHH!!" B!Soldier was so startled he fell flat on his face in the snow. R!Heavy hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "Is Soldier okay? Heavy is very sorry for what happened, Heavy was just very angry at Soldier calling Heavy a communist," B!Soldier sat up again, it was quite clear he was in pain, "I AM PERFECTLY FINE! NOW GO AWAY!" R!Heavy noticed thow B!Soldier didn't call him a communist at the end of that sentence like he normally would. Perhaps he had learned his lesson. "Nyet, Soldier is hurt. Docktor came with Heavy to find you, he will help you. Let Heavy take you to him," B!Soldier narrowed his eyes suspiciously, though R!Heavy couldn't see this since B!Soldier's helmet covered his eyes. "NO!" B!Soldier turned away from R!Heavy. R!Heavy sighed, "Heavy did not want it to come to this but..." R!Heavy then gently picked B!Soldier up by first cupping his hands under B!Soldier's arms then - again, gently - slinging B!Soldier over his shoulder. R!Heavy turned and started walking away while B!Soldier kicked his legs aimlessly and yelled, but soon, - about 30 seconds - he stopped since he was still quite injured.

 When R!Heavy found B!Medic again, the two started heading back to the BLU base. "Vell I am very glad ve found Soldier, herr Heavy," "Da, who knows what would've happened to Soldier had we not found him, I mean, are there dangerous things in your woods, Docktor?" B!Medic thought for a moment, "Vell I mean zhere might be volves and bears but who knows," B!Medic shrugged as B!Soldier's eyes widened. Wolves?? BEARS??? B!Soldier was about to interject on the R!Heavy and B!Medic's conversation to yell about how stupid it is to have a base here then, when he yawned. I mean there was nothing wrong with yawning, but B!Soldier was angry at himself for showing 'weakness' by being tired. "Hm? Are jou tired, herr Soldier?" B!Medic said it a bit mockingly and another bit condescendingly, which made B!Soldier even more annoyed, I mean sure he didn't know it was 'condescendingly' but he could tell B!Medic was mocking him. "NO!" R!Heavy was a bit annoyed at B!Medic for being a tiny bit of a bitch but he wasn't going to hold a grudge, "It is okay for Soldier to feel tired, he has had big day," B!Soldier was even more angry at this, "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE I'M A CHILD!!" R!Heavy immediately realized his mistake and started apologizing while B!Medic laughed. After another five to seven minutes of walking, the three had made their way back to the BLU base.

While the three walked to B!Medic's medbay back inside the base, a few people stopped and looked at how R!Heavy was carrying B!Soldier. Some giggled, some looked confused, and the two Scouts straight up laughed and taunted B!Soldier, which made him try to pull his helmet further over his face, which was now red from embarrassment. When the three had got to B!Medic's medbay, R!Heavy placed B!Soldier down on one of the hospital beds in there, then B!Medic got to work with healing him. B!Medic and R!Heavy chatted while B!Soldier lay there angrily. B!Soldier kept asking "ARE YOU DONE YET, MAGGOT??" to which B!Medic would respond with an exasperated sigh and a "Nein! Be patient, arschloch!" (translation according to google translate: shithead or asshole, I think). After what felt like several centurys to B!Soldier - but was really only half an hour, maybe a bit more - B!Medic had finished. "Right! Your good to go, careful though, the pain vill still be zhere for a vhile. Anyvays, get out," B!Soldier was a bit annoyed by how rude B!Medic was being, so he promptly left in a hurry and went to his room. B!Soldier was tired, but instead of sleeping, he started working out because that's obviously what you do when you're tired as shit and injured. 

B!Medic muttered to himself angrily, forgetting R!Heavy was in the room. "Docktor?" B!Medic jumped a bit in surprise, "Ah! Sorry herr Heavy, I was off in mein own little vorld," R!Heavy chuckled a bit, "Hah! Docktor does zone out! But what was Docktor muttering about?" B!Medic sighed, "Vell since ve 'know' zhat ze Soldier is tired, he is not going to sleep. He sees giving into tiredness as 'veak' so he von't sleep if anyone knows he's tired. Or vell, he'll try not too. He usually fails to stay avake." B!Medic paused for breath, "So vell, he's probably going to vork out or vhatever to try to avake, vhich isn't good considering he's also injured," R!Heavy scoffed, "Even Soldier knows not to push body to limits! Is ridiculous, the idea of him denying himself sleep because someone knows he is tired is stupid," R!Heavy chuckled a bit. B!Medic was annoyed, "It's true! Here, if ve go to herr Soldier's room and he is vorking out zhen you haff to give me twenty bucks!" R!Heavy grinned, "Heavy will take Docktor's bet! If Soldier is asleep or at very least just relaxing, then Docktor will give Heavy twenty bucks!" B!Medic grinned back, "Vell zhen, let's go!" And so the two ((gay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)) men set off to B!Soldier's room.

B!Soldier was so busy with trying to do a one-handed push-up that he didn't notice his bedroom door open and two faces peek in. "Haha! Yes I vin!" B!Medic yelled happily, opening the door - which had been barely open before - all the way. "AH!" B!Soldier fell flat on his face for the second time that day. B!Medic grinned obnoxiously at R!Heavy, who was too busy looking at B!Soldier with a mix of shock and anger on his face. "Soldier!" B!Soldier looked up, "Why is Soldier not sleeping or resting? You are hurt! Soldier shouldn't be working out while hurt," B!Soldier frowned, "I DON'T NEED TO SLEEP OR RE-" B!Soldier was cut off by a yawn, " DAMMIT!" B!Medic laughed "Aw do jou need a little nap?" B!Soldier scowled at B!Medic. "Docktor do not mock Soldier for being tired, everyone has to sleep," R!Heavy frowned. B!Medic sighed and muttered a "sorry" as R!Heavy approached B!Soldier who was now sitting cross-legged. R!Heavy then picked up B!Soldier and placed him on his bed and threw the duvet (y'know the big and main blanket) over him while B!Soldier protested, "HEY! STOP THAT! I REFUSE TO SLEEP!" R!Heavy scoffed, "Soldier needs to sleep!" After about a few minutes B!Soldier had stopped protesting and had gone to sleep, since he couldn't have gotten up since R!Heavy was holding down the duvet. B!Medic was impressed. "Vow jou actually managed to make him sleep?" R!Heavy nodded, "Da, Heavy's sisters never wanted to go to bed," R!Heavy chuckled a bit then stood up from the edge of B!Soldier's bed. "Heavy and Docktor leave Soldier, da?" B!Medic grinned and nodded. As the two left the room, B!Medic said to R!Heavy, "Jou still owe me twenty bucks."

END OF CHAPTER 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give me ideas for future chapters I'm having a writers block.

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