Chapter 1 - Lost Racoon

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(authors note, this will be a bit threw soldiers perspective only but not like saying 'I said' just like what soldier sees and hears though sometimes it may go third person or another person, also I will write soldiers text in all caps most of the time cause he talks loudly yknow ALSO if a characters on the red team their name will be like, for example; R!Scout and if their on blu it will be like B!Scout)

"HELLO LIEUTENANT BITES" B!Soldier said, looking down at his racoon. The racoon responded by making racoon noises. B!Soldier grinned, satisfied with that answer. Then, there was a loud knock on the door. "Soldier zhe reds are here! Do you vant to stay in zhere like always or vill you actually come and socialize, idiot?" It was B!Medic. "I DONT CARE MAGGOT!" B!Soldier yelled back "Zhat vas a very indirect answer but vhatever I guess," There was silence for a moment. "Can I come in to give you somezhing?" B!Soldier was intrigued by this, so he turned, expertly hiding Lieutenant Bites behind him. "ALRIGHT FINE!" He called back. B!Medic opened the door to soldiers room and entered. "I vas kidding, you vere fooled!" B!Medic grinned obnoxiously. Obviously, B!Soldier was very mad at this, so he screamed at medic for fooling him for about 4 minutes until B!Medic got bored and left, shutting the door behind him. "THAT BASTARD!" B!Soldier yelled angrily, to no one in particular. He turned around, expecting to find Lieutenant Bites chilling, instead, there was absolutely NOTHING. B!Soldier yelled in shock.

"WHERE IS HE?? OH CRAP OH CRAP OH HOLY AMERICAN CRAP!!" B!Soldier yelled as he ran around his room, desperately searching for the racoon. Nothing, he found nothing. The only racoon in the room was Sergeant Sprinkles, who was napping under his bed. "HMMM, IF HE'S NOT HERE THEN...." B!Soldier's voice trailed off, realizing that Lieutenant Bites most likely snuck out when B!Medic had opened the door. B!Soldier turned to his rooms door, "WELL, GUESS I AM GOING OUT, DAMN." B!Soldier sighed, quite annoyed at this. He walked to the door, opened it and stepped out, Then he started walking towards the main room. As he passed everyone else's rooms, he thought about where in the base Lieutenant Bites could be, as even though he's small, he can move very fast. B!Soldier paused at the doorway to the main room, contemplating what he would find in there, REDs and BLUs getting along most likely. He gagged at this thought. Of course, it was different with him and R!Demoman, as they met and became friends before this whole, RED and BLU truce on ceasefires, and parties and whatnot. He groaned and decided to suck it up, then he entered the main room. People were spread all over the place, standing, talking, laughing, and more. RED mixing with BLU. Soldier started walking around, keeping his eyes on the floor also while listening out for any racoon noises. Since B!Soldier wasn't paying attention, he walked straight into a large male. That large male just so happened to be R!Heavy. B!Soldier looked up at R!Heavy, very angry that R!Heavy PURPOSELY got in his way, as that is the very true course of events, "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING, COMMUNIST!" B!Soldier yelled, still very proud of his previous logic. "Heavy is not a communist, BLU Soldier," R!Heavy frowned. B!Soldier scoffed, showing that he did not believe R!Heavy in any way possible, then he walked off and continued his search for Lieutenant Bites. 

After another few minutes of just walking and searching, B!Soldier bumped into R!Demo. "Aye how's it going lad?" R!Demo chuckled, (I DUNNO HOW TO DO SCOTTISH ACCENTS. OR FRENCH ACCENTS. OR RUSSIAN ACCENTS.) "GOOD I GUESS," B!Soldier grinned at R!Demo, happy to see his friend. "Well me and the scouts were about ta play uno, want in?" R!Demo grinned back, also happy to see his friend. "NOT RIGHT NOW I HAVE TO FIND SOMETHING I LOST, MAYBE LATER,"  R!Demo was slightly upset at the fact B!Soldier couldn't play right now, but he understood, "Aye alright then, need any help though?" "NOPE!" B!Soldier causally waved bye at R!Demo, then walked off, continuing his search. 

B!Soldier walked the hallway he originally walked down from his room, away from the main room. He stood outside B!Spy's room. "WHERE IS LIEUTENANT BITES?" B!Soldier was in distress, "I'VE LOO-" He was cut off by racoon noises. He looked down and saw Lieutenant Bites. "HOLY SHIT!" B!Soldier excitedly picked up Lieutenant Bites, "I'M TAKING YOU BACK TO MY ROOM! I AM NOT LETTING YOU OUT OF MY SIGHT!" B!Soldier smiled and started running back to his room, Lieutenant Bites in his hands. But just as he was about to arrive, the door to B!Scout's room (which is one door down from B!Soldiers, as B!Engi's room is between the two btw) slammed open in his face. B!Soldier froze in shock for a moment, before quickly hiding Lieutenant Bites under his helmet. R!Scout and B!Scout left B!Scout's room, then R!Scout spotted B!Soldier adjusting his helmet, "Ah jeez ya nearly hit your soldier with the door dude," R!Scout said, nudging B!Scout, "Oh damn, you alright?" B!Scout said, turning to face B!Soldier. "OF COURSE I'M ALRIGHT! A DOOR CANNOT HURT ME, ESPECIALLY ONE OPENED BY YOUR WIMPY ARMS!" B!Soldier scowled at the pair. He never liked the Scouts. "Jeez he only asked if ya were okay, like, calm down dumbass," R!Scout scowled back. B!Soldier didn't bother trying to think of anything to say back, instead, he simply pushed past the Scouts and went to his room. "Jeez what's his problem?" "No idea, he's just stupid though," B!Soldier heard them just as he was closing the door to his room. He frowned and shut the door.

B!Soldier set Lieutenant Bites down on the floor, next to Seargant Sprinkles, who had come out from napping under B!Soldier's bed. The two racoons nuzzled up next to each other, happy to be reunited. Them doing this made B!Soldier smile, as it was an extremely adorable sight. Seriously you should've been there. B!Soldier sighed, a job well done, then he promptly went to his bed and sat on it, cross-legged with his back against the like back of his bedframe thingy. He just sat there for about ten minutes, entertained by the sight of his racoons happily chilling with each other. That's when everything went not good, as B!Medic barged in without knocking, saw the racoons and got everyone else, as no one else knows about B!Soldier owning racoons, not even R!Demo, so everyone just thought the racoons were like, wild or something like that. When everyone else entered the room, there were mutters like "Woah are those racoons?" "Jesus theres like, very furry moles or something in here" "I'm hungry. Wait holy shit are those racoons?". B!Soldier frowned, as now he will have to explain what these racoons are doing here.

END OF CHAPTER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey author here: maybe give suggestions for what could happen in later chapters of this if you wanna, cause I do not have that many ideas lol. Thanks bro, later.

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