❤️To Leave A Room You Can't Get Out Of❤️

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This should be interesting.

3rd person pov

"A terrorist?" Fukuzawa, the president of the Armed Detective Agency says aloud during a visit from Ango Sakuguchi.

"Indeed" says Ango, adjusting to his glasses. "The Special Abilities Unit has found information on a strange ability user and we have enough proof to assume that they're a terrorist."

"So we have to fight against this person? How boring." Says Ranpo before sticking his lollipop back in his mouth. "How come you guys can't do it? You have stronger ability users than us anyways."

"Well, considering you're ability Edogawa, you probably already know the reasons we're assigning this job to you."

"Could you give us more details about the ability user?" Atsushi says, trying his best to not pay attention to Dazai who is high on mushrooms again and is currently dancing on Atsushi's desk.

"Well, the ability user is very secretive, so the Special Ability Divisions Unit doesn't know much about them except for the fact that their ability can trap people in a subspace in which they must do a challenging task to exit.
If the person hasn't at least started the task within thirty minutes of being in the subspace, they die, and if they haven't finished the task within twenty-four hours, they will also die." He pauses for a moment to send a glare in Dazai's direction before continuing.

"If a task requires multiple people to complete, others will be in the same subspace as you.
But, sometimes the subspace will capture multiple people at once and most of those people will be locked up. In these situations, you can leave the subspace whenever you want. However, if you do leave, the people that are locked up will die.
The only way to unleash these people is to complete the task that has been assigned to you." Once he finishes, Kunikida takes a blunt hit to the back of Dazai's head slamming him against the floor.

"That sounds complicated." Atsushi says while checking Dazai's pulse to make sure he's okay.

"I'm sure that the Armed Detective Agency can handle it." Ango says. "But anyways, I am currently extremely busy so I can't stay here for much longer, so I'll be sending more information on where they'll be next, it should reach you soon. Good luck on the mission, Detective Agency." He says bluntly before taking a bow and promptly leaving.

"Well then." Says the president finally speaking up. "The best way to attack the ability user is to catch them off guard. Atsushi, we'll need you for your speed and skills in hand-to-hand combat. However, you cannot go alone. Dazai and Kunikida should come along. And just in case because we don't know much about the enemy, Yosano should come as well in case of injuries."

All of them nodded and left the building accordingly.

"What are we doing again, Kunikida-kun?" Asked Dazai being dragged along by his collar by a very irritated Kunikida.

"We're trying to defeat a terrorist with a strange ability." Atsushi explained quickly before Kunikida could make a scene by yelling at him.

"And maybe we can get some of my shopping done after this, do you think one of you could come with me?" Yosano said looking expectantly at the three of them

"Sorry, I have something important to do after this." The three chorused in unison.

"What a shame." She sighed. "I wish someone would go with me."


This takes place a few hours later, it's sunset now.

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