❤️Entrance Exam❤️

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In this A.u, Atsushi fails the entrance exam, need I say more? Shout-out to Enderk1tty for giving me the idea of the basic storyline for this oneshot.
And if you have an idea for a oneshot just comment it on this chapter or any other one and I'll do my best to make it.

ALSO, don't be shy to ask me to make a oneshot, I have a lot of time on my hands and if you think your idea is stupid just know that, I won't think any worse of u and if it really is stupid, Imma make it anyways out of boredo-. . . to please my cherished readers ofc.

Kunikida pov

I feel bad for him.

It still pains me to think about the hurt expression he had worn when I had to tell him he'd failed the entrance exam.
It seems like he's decided to live near the river. And I've found myself multiple times breaking my schedule and walking by the river to try to catch a glimpse of him.

I usually do.

It seems like he's been trying to pickpocket anyone who looked easy enough to rob, but backing out of it at the last moment.
He's going to die out on the streets like this.

'I mean, it already looks like he gave up on life.' I think as I watch him lie down on the dock in the rain.

"Mommy, what's that?" Says a child pointing over to him.
"It's nothing sweetie, don't make eye contact with it." The mother reassures her.

Atsushi pov

It hurts.


I was so close to getting out of this terrible life style and I blew it.

I'm so useless.

I might as well just drown myself in the river, no one will miss me, anyways.

I get up and glance at the raging river near me.
If only I wasn't so scared of drowning.
For a moment, just a single moment, I wish I was a little bit more like Dazai-san. Fearlessness of suicide was never something I thought I would be envious of.

'Okay, let's try again.' I thought as I got ready to jump into the crashing river before me.

I was about to jump in before I felt a firm hand on my arm.
I turn around quickly to see Kunikida Doppo. One of the detectives at the Armed Detective Agency. I remember when I first saw him across the river. It felt like I had fallen in love.
I wanted to join so badly to get to know him better, but I failed the entrance exam.
I thought I would never see him again.

His mouth was moving like he was saying something, but I couldn't hear him over the crashing rain.
"What!?" I almost screamed. After doing this a few times, he gripped my arm tightly and pulled me close to him.
"Come with me." Feeling his warm breath on my neck made me shiver even though I suddenly felt very hot for some reason.
But I didn't have much time to react because he began pulling me away.

I wonder where he's taking me?


"Sit down brat." He said to me when we arrived at the restaurant we went to when we first met.
"We'll have some sashimi and twenty bowls of chazuke." He said to the waitress. She seemed confused but nodded hesitantly.

When the food arrived, I ate like a pig, but Kunikida-san didn't seem to mind. When we finished, I decided to talk.

"Thank you very much for the food Kunikida-san, but why did you help me?" He bit his lip as he wrote in his notebook.
"Don't flatter yourself brat, I only pitted you." I nodded.

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